Chapter 6

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After a bit the basement door slowly opens bringing us back upstairs, it's like it was all a dream. Nobody was looting or banging on doors. It was all just a flash. That ship was still there but nobody cared about it anymore. "What the fuck just happened?" I whispered to Cody. "I don't know.." He looked unsure of what to do in that current situation. My mom however just stared into space, completely zoned out. "Mom are you okay..?" I tapped her, the sheer coldness of her skin sending shivers down my spine. Cody spoke, " it just me or is it colder all of a sudden..?" His cloud of cold breath drifted through the air slowly. It wasn't just the room either, walking outside it felt even worse. It was very odd for summer, especially when it was 86° just a few minutes ago. The tap water was frozen along with the water my mom was using to wash the dishes. It all felt like a fever dream, the craziness just abruptly dissolving into nothing entirely. "Is the entire town like this?" I asked, unsure of what all happened in the little time we were down there. Opening the door I see the silhouette of the giant ship, silently I wonder if it was the cause of all of this. "Sin..I-I'm so c-c-cold..." I handed Cody my coat before continuing our walk into town. "Just stay with me okay we'll get somewhere eventually" my grip on Cody's and became tighter, praying that we'd make it out of this mess. Ten minutes later and we see another outline through the raging blizzard, it looked like a giant capsule with engraved symbols, plus was actively pulsing with a high pitched beep. The writings on it looked like absolute gibberish but as I got closer I recognized a few of the symbols. Earlier I saw the same symbols on the ship, immediately connecting the dots in my head. "S-S-Sin...I think I need to sit down for a b-b-bit.." Cody's legs had given out as his skin grew pale and purple. "'s okay...we're going to get out of here" I had already lost my mom, and I didn't plan on losing another person I cared about. I held Cody in my arms for a bit eventually finding a nearby building and setting him inside.

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