"I broke up with him"

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Lucy ran past Greys office to go to the detectives desk.
A-"Woah Lucy, You ok what happened"
L-"T-T-Tim m-m-mentioned C-C-Caleb while w-we were a-a-a-arguing"
L-"A-A-Angela, d-d-don't scream"
A-"I'm sorry Luce, come here who can help you"
L-"N-n-normally I would say T-T-Tim,
but b-b-because he me-mentioned C-C-Caleb I
b-b-broke up with h-h-him"
A-"Oh Luce, would Tam help"
L-"N-n-no, don't c-c-call her"
A-"Why not"
L-"I-I-I don't w-w-want her t-t-to see m-m-me like t-t-this"
A-"How am I gonna calm you down"
Lucy just bursts out crying and falls into Angela.
A-"Oh Lucy, it's ok"
Angela gets Lucy to move to a more private area. After 10 minutes of crying Lucy calms down enough for Angela to talk to her.
A-"What happened between you and Tim"
L-"It started yesterday, the whole day I was spiralling from the detectives exam, after shift we were walking out of the station and he said something and I was really short with him. He asked me what's wrong and I asked if he undermined me, he said no and he was offended that I would suggest that. I then bought up Isabel by telling him he needs to admit that what happened with Isabel was traumatic for him.
A-"Lucy, you know it was traumatic for him"
L-"I know, I was just spiralling and it just came out"
A-"Ok so how did he mention Caleb"
L-"There's still more to the story"
A-"Ok go on"
L-"So he said that he has always said it was traumatic for him, and then he said that the only thing he did today was have my back, and if I can't see that then, he didn't say we should break up but he was going to but he stopped himself, he then said that he was tired I had studying to do so we should take a break for tonight, I just stood there unsure what to do, I drove home and Tamra was able to tell that I was upset about something so she asked me and I told her that he was about to say we should break up, I then started to spiral about that and was about to break up with him over text. But Tamara calmed me down and we watched a movie. We both fell asleep but go woken up by Tim messaging me. He asked if we could talk, I said at his house, my apartment or the station, he said the station. This morning I went to his office and we started to talk"
A-"Is this where he mentions Caleb"
L-"Yes. So in our talk he said that I need to stop bringing up Isabel in every argument we have. I say I know it's that I felt like he was undermining me yesterday and that he was about to say we should break up so I don't know which is worse. He said he know he was about to say something stupid so he stopped himself, unlike me who said something stupid. I told him how I was incredibly stressed and was spiralling which is why I said something stupid and that I wouldn't say it again. He said he said that I've said that before and I keep bringing her up and that he doesn't love her and that he only loves me. I said he says that but gets upset whenever she's bought up, which I know I shouldn't have said but I was getting defensive. He yelled that it's because she put him through something very traumatic and how would I feel if he constantly bought up c-c-Caleb in every argument we have. I just sat there trying not to cry. We sat there for what felt like a hour until he spoke up, he said he was sorry and it slipped out and that he won't say it again. I said trying not to cry that I was gonna go and that he shouldn't bother coming after me because I was sorry but we were over. He tried getting me to stay but I yelled at him that he know I had nightmares for months after c-c-Caleb and that he know how bad I got after Chris sung the song so no I wouldn't be staying and that I was going and he shouldn't come after me"
A-"Oh Lucy, is that why you ran out to here"
L-"No first I ran into the bathroom and I went into a cubicle and I started to have a panic attack so I wasn't paying attention to who I called but it was the last person I called"
A-"So who was it?"
L-"It was Tim, I started to say help I can't breathe properly. And so he came running in and pulled me onto his chest and I was about to freak out when I heard him say 'Lucy your ok' which made me freak out and run out here to you, I knew that you would be able to help"
A-"Oh Lucy, come here"
Lucy hugged Angela for awhile until they heard someone's voice
T-"Lucy are you in there I'm sorry I really am, I know I fucked up but please talk to me"
Lucy heard Tim's voice and was about to run out but Angela grabbed her.
A-"Lucy your ok, I'm here nothings going to happen, did you want to talk to him"
L-"I don't know, I do but I don't"
A-"I can stay with you while you talk to him"
L-"yes please I don't think I could talk to him myself"

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