Same Thearpist?

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~The next day~
Lucy and Tamara woke up.
L-"I'm gonna call in sick to work today"
Tam-"Want me to stay home from school"
L-"No, you go to school, you need to learn. Ill see you after school"
Tamara left for school and Lucy called in sick. Lucy then called up a therapist to book an appointment for that day. She booked the appointment for 2pm.

~At the station~
G-"Night shift did there job so there's no extra work for you guys. Officer Chen has called out so we're an officer down. So I need Juarez and Nolan together like always. Aaron your on patrol with Tim and the detectives. Everyone go do you jobs"
Grey dismissed everyone.

~Tim's pov~
It might be mean but I'm kinda happy Lucy isn't here, she might want to talk again, I don't want to talk to her. I sit in my chair just thinking when I hear someone calling my name.
A-"Tim, Tim, oh my gosh are you deaf"
T-"No, I'm just zoning out, umm I'll be in the car in a moment I need to make a phone call"
A-"See you there"
I walk away from Angela and go to my office. I call a therapist and ask for an appointment. I got one at 1. I went to talk to grey then left to go to Angela.

A-"Took you long enough"
T-"Ange, not today"
A-"Sorry Mr Grumps"
Angela just sat there shocked. The car was silent the entire day. It got to 12:30.
T-"I'm going now, Aaron can you drop me off at the mall right here"
Aaron stopped the car and Tim got out. He waited for them to drive away and went to where his therapy was. He waits and gets called in.

Th-"Hi I'm Violet, I'll be your therapist"
T-"Hi Violet, I'm Tim"
Th-"So what's bought you here"
T-"Well I'm a police Sargent, I was married to a police officer who then got addicted to drugs and put me through some bad things. I was also dating a police officer who was my rookie but be dated after she wasn't a rookie. But while she was a rookie I saved her when she was abducted and buried alive by a serial killers protégé. I told her we could get back together if we both go to therapy, because we had an argument where she bought up my ex-wife and when I said I only loved her she asked me the why do I get so upset when she's mentioned so I responded with how would she feel if I mentioned her abductor every argument we have"
Th-"Well this was the right thing to do"
Tim talked for the whole session. He went to the front desk and booked another appointment. But before he could confirm he heard a familiar name.
Th-"Lucy Chen for 2pm"
L-"That's me"

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