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"Oi Little flower come back here right now!"

The red haired girl giggled loudly running away from her friend and hiding behind the large persimmon tree.

"If I catch you I'll never share my chocolates with you I'm warning you!"

Sakura frowned at the statement and bit her lips. She loved chocolates especially the ones touya gave her because they were different all the time. She was busy contemplating when two arms grabbed her.


"Aahhh touya!"

Sakura turned around pouting at the white haired child who grinned and laughed at her pointing his finger,"You should've seen your face oh my god!"

"Shut up!"she grumpily said and pushed her hand towards touya who raised his eyebrows,"what brat"

"Don't call me that fool,now chocolate"

"Why should I give you one"he stuck his tongue out making Sakura hit his arm,"touya!"

"I promise to give you chocolates all your life if that's what you want but please for gods sake wakeup please, we need you, Keigo needs you, I need you, your students everyone does, so please fucking wake up goddammit!"

"Touya you haven't left the room since you were bailed come on get some rest and have something till then Keigo will stay here"Aizawa patted his shoulder making him sigh and leave the room.

"You see how much you are affecting everyone wake the fuck up Sakura, you are better than this dammit"he gritted his teeth and left the room as well missing the small breath of air leaving the red haired as it fogged up her oxygen mask.

"Hello Ura-chan, so today I went to visit my mother she's well and fine and we are also working on capturing Shigaraki and his gang who fled away, it's been a month since the incident when are you planning to wake up and finally start dating me?"

Keigo sighed despite knowing he won't get a reply from the person residing on the bed he waited looking at her. He held her calloused but soft hands in his own kissing the knuckles softly. "I brought you your favourite flowers and fruits. So wakeup and have them please..."

"Sakura i- i can't do this without you please wake up, everyday I wake up hoping, praying that I'll finally be able to hear your voice, look at your beautiful eyes, look at you smile at me, but then I find out every damn day that you're still in that headspace of yours"


"We had one of our specialists check up on Phoenix and we found out something, now we are not really sure if that's the case but this sounds most relevant to what has happened to Phoenix"

"What is it doctor?"Aizawa asked as the doctor looked over at least 25 heroes standing in front of him.

"Phoenix has put herself in coma"


"How is that possible doctor?"

"It is"

Everyone turned towards Sumire, Sakura's guardian from America. "I specialize in stuff like this as well can you please explain further sir"

"Yes, Miss Phoenix, because of the damage to her body and mental health, her brain forced itself to shut her body down, that's what we thought, but we checked her brain waves and it has been working actively day and night, so we gathered had Miss Phoenix has been dreaming, her mind has conjured up a happy life I'm guessing, away from all the trauma she had to go through"

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