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"How that feel baby?" "Good as fuck nigga, keep going

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"How that feel baby?" "Good as fuck nigga, keep going.... Ughhhhh 😩 nigga you got me want to nut. FUCK" I kept eating his ass, shit tasted amazing, he was bent over in the locker room and I was working my tongue. No one is ever in here on Thursdays during lunch so I made him come here. "Owwwwww nigga I'm cumming, I'm cumming, ahhhhhh" he was screaming. I took my fingers and gently slid them into him. "How this shit feel baby?" "It feels so good, keep going please" he started to plead with me so I kept going, my dick is hard as fuck right now and I'm gonna need him to suck me up.


We've been secretly messing around for 3 months now and it's been really great, when he's horny or when I'm horny we'll hit each other up and say what we want, it's been great. Nobody's catching feelings, no one wants something more and no one has a partner. For us it's just straight raw fucking as much as we like, I don't need to say hi to him at school or even help him with anything. It's going great. Or so I thought because after lunch is when all the problems start.

Lunch was soon over and we parted ways, I was now heading to class with my friends

Lunch was soon over and we parted ways, I was now heading to class with my friends

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Makayla isn't in our grade but her class was close to ours so we all walked together, as we're walking Makayla starts talking

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Makayla isn't in our grade but her class was close to ours so we all walked together, as we're walking Makayla starts talking. "Y'all know anyone named Rakaii?" "Nah" said Rashad, they turned to me "nah why?" "Oo nothing serious, this girl at my cheerleading practice was asking about him and said he asked about me so, I just wanted to know who he was" "what she said?" "She was just saying he was cute and he was asking for my instagram or something"

As she said that she waved and turned to enter her class, I didn't want to raise any suspicions so I let it go, but I do think it's weird for him to be asking about my friend, at least I think he knows we're friends. As we continue walking I see Rakai further in the hall walking in my direction. As we get closer he just mean mugs me and keep walking. This what I love about our situation.

I make it to class and we're sitting when this boy comes to the door and asks to speak to me, I step outside the class confused as to why this person wanted me. "You're friends with Makayla right?" "Yeah, what's up witchu?" "Nah I saw y'all walking together and I want to talk with her" "oo, cool I'll let her know for you." "Who was that?" Rashad ask "I don't know but they wanted to talk about Makayla" "it's probably the Rakaii guy" "nah" "how would you know, you don't even know him nigga" he laughed. I laughed too but only because I do know him.


"Makayla this Rakaii guy wants you for real, you should really go talk to him next time you see him, like let one the girls introduce y'all or something" Rashad told Makayla who seems to be on board with the idea. This would be cool with me if I wasn't currently the one fucking Rakaii. Our next class is a free class and therefore we were chilling in the P.E auditorium watching the cheerleaders.

As we're watching Rakaii came in and headed straight to one of the cheerleaders, as they're talking she calls Makayla over, I'm watching it all go down and wondering what they're saying. I'm at the edge of my seat because I need to know what they're talking about. After about 3 minutes Rakaii hugs the girl and then Makayla while also placing his phone in his back pocket.

After practice Makayla runs to us excitedly talking about how she asked Rakaii for his number and instagram and he gave her. Shocked would be an understatement. I thought we had an understanding that we weren't going to fuck other people since we're fucking raw. I messaged Rakaii right away.

To Rakai:
                                   You made it home as yet?

From Rakaii:

To Rakaii:
I want to come over that's y. So can I?

From Rakaii:
You can, just call me when you're outside ig

When I finally looked up we were standing by Makayla's car as she was getting in after telling Rashad all about her talk with Rakaii. Rashad looked pretty happy for her. As we were walking back he got in my car and I looked at him. O my god I forgot I have to take him home. I drove as quick as I could, "where you going after this nigga, some bitch got you driving like this?" "Nah, my lil sister got something happening at the house and I forgot I had to buy some more groceries, you know how my mum gets when people are coming over." He laughs "I know, love gang" he says and I repeat.

I've finally reached Rakaii's house after 57 minutes of driving, I called him to let him know I'm here. He comes down, opens the door and I follow him to his room, when I get inside he pushed me on the bed and start to sit in my lap, he starts to play with my dick through my pants, I'm getting carried away right now.

We fucked. I'm weaker than I thought, I came here with a plan in mind on what I needed to speak about and forgot what I even came here for, he laying on  me as he's breathing heavily, I go to wrap my hand around his neck to kiss him when his phone starts ringing. He gives me a peck and grabs his phone. When he turns the phone towards us I see it's a person named Makayla, which wakes up the idea of the reason why I came here. I sat as I listened to them talking, he didn't sound like he was flirting but she sure was.

"Sorry about that, that was some shorty I know that goes to our school, you know any Makaylas? I don't know her last name but she's fine as fuck" "nah I don't know a Makayla, y'all fucking or something cause remember we just fucked raw so you gots to let me know, plus wasn't it you who said we won't fuck other people?"  I looked at him with an angry yet curious face, because he better not mess up the good thing we have going on. "Nah I'm not fucking her, she's cool people though, and nigga I said we won't fuck other people not we won't talk to other people, im sure there's bitches all in your dms as we speak"

He wasn't wrong but I wasn't talking to anyone, I didn't see the point cause I know I'm not gonna stop fucking him, so there's really no reason for me to entertain anyone. Him on the other hand clearly sees it differently, "so what you about to do with this Makayla girl?" I asked. "It's really not me that wants her it's my friend JJ but she came to talk with me today and told me what's up and asked for my ig so I said sure, she called today cause I told her I'm free if she wanted to talk. And jerms..." "don't call me that" he started laughing "the fact you think I don't know Makayla your friend is so fucking stupid, nigga I see you at school everyday" "so it's your friend that wants her for real?"

"It could be or it could be me?.... You think you got the tea on me bitch, yuh drinking piss" he started laughing, he thinks he's so funny.

I love fucking on Rakaii, he be taking the dick like he should, it's crazy to me that he's never been with any men before me because he be taking it like he a pro or something, I've been with men and women before him, I'm not out in the open about it or nothing but I'm not too much hiding it either, who ever finds out find out. Right now though Rakaii's the only person I'm fucking, he got that good ass that got a boy cant think straight. I don't want him romantically I think, but I definitely don't want him with anyone else cause I need that ass to be mine forever if I'm being honest.

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