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I'm at school waiting for the classes to begin, I'm sitting in the library waiting when I see Makayla enter, she saw me and waved to me. I actually don't like Makayla romantically but she's really cool people, I could spend all my time with her. For the past 4 weeks we've been getting closer to each other which caused people to think we're fucking. But we ain't.

"O my god Kai what you doing here so early?" "I'm just waiting on classes to start but I got here early so I decided to come chill in here why you here?" "Ooo I'm here cause we had an early before school cheer practice so this where I usually come to wait on Jeremy and Rashad. Our class is on the same block together" I just nodded my head. Speaking of Jeremy we've also gotten closer and we've been fucking more often. I'm not going to lie Jeremy's dick be having me weak. Like I love that niggas dick.

While I was sitting in English Jeremy called me to come to his car, I went. Jeremy was sitting in his car with his hand in his pants, I knocked on the window and he jumped, looked at me and rolled the window down. "Come to the other side" I walked to his side where he pulled me in on his lap to straddle him. "Take off yo pants real quick" I just looked at him in disbelief. 'Is he really trying to fuck here in the parking lot? Damn'.  I still took my pants off placing them in the passenger seat. He carried the seat all the way back and lowered it a little, he then started caressing my ass while also roughly squeezing my ass cheeks. As he's doing this he circling behind my ear with his tongue. I start grinding my hard dick on his slowly while my hands are wrapped around his neck. He smacks my ass then gripped one cheek shaking it, " we outside the school cause I know you want people see how much you like dick in your ass. You want them to hear you moaning like a lil girl. This what you been waiting for?" he starts kissing from my neck up to my mouth and to my neck again while taking his fingers and pinching my nipples. I moan aloud from the sensation of him playing with my nipples. I start to speed up. "Take this off" he says meaning my underwear he's now gripping, I take it off now being fully bottom naked, he separates my cheeks and starts to rub his hand up and down my space slowly. Then he started to enter his digits one by one. We're kissing now and he starts sucking on my tongue. I never knew how much I love my tongue being sucked until now. He raised me slightly and then slammed me down onto him, repeatedly. "You ready for this dick baby?" I nod my head eagerly, ready for the dick. "Words" "yes daddy. I'm so ready for it... please give me it now daddy, please" "bet" he slowly enters me with his 3rd leg, he bounces me on himself slowly before speeding up a little. "Ahhhh Daddy more please" I beg as I want him to speed up. "You such a nasty bitch for Daddy dick" I am so I began to get impatient and started to ride his dick myself. I started bouncing fast and hard on his dick, ramming it into my shit. "Owww baby show daddy who dick this is. Who dick this is?" "This my dick daddy" "This your fuck cause you Daddy lil slut huh? You'd do anything for this dick?" "Yes daddy" I screamed. I moan. He grabs my waist and start moving as he pleases. Slamming his raw huge dick in my ass. He keeps going, just ramming it. "O my god yo ass creamin all on my shit, I love this ass baby. This ass like a vacuum. Shit feel good as fuck. Feel like you got that virgin booty.... I'm making yo shit feel good baby? You like the way I'm fucking you?" He asks while stilll simultaneously slamming me on his shit and playing with my nipples. He smacks my ass hard as shit which causes me to love this experience even more. I keep riding as he's talking to me. I just love this dick. He's still drlling me in "daddy I'm bout to nut" , I start to shake a bit while 4 ropes of cum left my dick. Causing me to tighten the grip on his dick which makes him start. "Shit baby you squeezing the cum out my dick. Ahhugh" I try to get up remembering we're at school which means I can't clean the cum out but he was too quick. All I could do was collapse on top and take it all. His body is sweaty and his breathing is very uneven. But I can't move.

We stayed like this until it was lunch, I was still sleeping so I'm assuming he placed me in the passenger seat and put his car blanket over my entire body. "Wake up Rakaii" he's shaking me. I wake up and realize we're not at school anymore. "Why we here for nigga? How you even leave the school?" I asked. "It's lunch so I went for 'something to eat' I'm going to drop you home so you can get cleaned up"

He's pulling up to my complex, I live in the straight ghetto, it still amazes me that he's cool coming here as a white nigga. He then drives off without warning. I keep walking up the stairs till I reach my apartment wondering how I'm getting back to school. No one's home as I walk in. While I'm taking my clothes off I  hear a knock which surprises me, no one should be expecting anyone to be home. I look through the peep to see Jeremy 'I thought he left'. I opened the door and said what I thought " nah I just parked in the actual complex parking lot." We walk further in with him feeling on my ass.

I'm bathing right now while Jeremy's in my room. I have nothing to hide or nothing weird in my room so I'm cool with it, plus i share a room with my brother so I can blame anything on him. I come out with only my towel and go to my room to see Jeremy sitting at the edge of my bed on his phone, I keep walking in causing him to look at me. He gets up and start touching on me again. Then he starts sucking my nipples. While massaging my ass. 'Jeremy is too horny for a young boy' I think to myself.

I was suppose to be heading to class right now but Jeremy convinced me to give him head so here I am being drilled to death. He's now fucking my face with all he's got. Tears are coming from my eyes from how intense the feeling is but I love it. I'm gagging sometimes from how far his cock is going. Shits sloppy and nasty, the cum, pre cum and saliva is going all over my face, floor and even sliding down my body to my pants and legs. He's really trying to kill me the way he's fucking my throat.

We're now driving back to class. When we reach the school I hop out and head to the library where I'll wait for the next class to start. I didn't see Jeremy for the rest of the day. I did see Makayla and decided to hang with her after classes.

"Whatsup witchu" I greeted Makayla. "Hey" "let's go get something to eat, I'm starving like a mf" she follows me to my car, Makayla doesn't drive which is surprising to me. We're chilling in McDonald's "Rakaii you're actually super cool and there's this girl I know who wants to 'know' you too. If you get me" she laughs. People really don't believe we're cooling but Makayla's a really cool female. "Yeah who?" I laugh too. "Serena? She's in my year and on the cheer team she's actually so pretty too"

 "Serena? She's in my year and on the cheer team she's actually so pretty too"

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(Serena above ⬆️)

"Nah you is a capper, she don't want me bruh" "I'm serious Kai, she literally was talking to me about you since we hangout now" "nah I ain't believe you, she want me?" "Yeah. She say she want you bad" I'm gassed because she's bad and I be seeing her around school looking and she be looking fine as fuck. "So should I give her your number? Orrrrrr" "hell yeah nigga" she smiles at me.

Later that night I was talking to who I though was Serena but turns out I was talking to her brother, I thought they was fucking with me but turns out her brother the one that want me. I don't know if I'm open to the idea, and plus Devante is pretty popular.

 I don't know if I'm open to the idea, and plus Devante is pretty popular

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(Devante above ⬆️)

I don't know what im finna do he's cool but I don't know if I'm open to talking to him and seeing what it do because I'm just a little shocked because he doesn't seem like he'd like me at all.


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