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I literally like Rakaii. Now that he's back home and I really studied some more I do like him. He's probably the cutest and sexiest person I've ever seen. I was just going to ignore the feelings I had but after talking to my friends Kaimon and Tylan I realized that he probably likes me as well, at least a little bit. He was on a 'date' and left with me because I asked. It's clear he likes me right? At least a little.

Today we have school but I'm thinking about talking to him after. My only fear is if this goes wrong I don't have anyone to replace him. No one could ever replace him. Which also means he will be forced to agree to my new rules. The rules of our new relationship. I get ready as fast as I can and make my way to my car, I don't think I've been more excited and nervous about something. It's a weird emotion I'm feeling.

When I get to the school I see Rakaii standing by himself, which surprised me because he's usually with someone. 'This must be a sign from the universe' I thought to myself. "Rakaii" I shouted from the door, as he looked over at me I waved him over and he started to walk. He was walking in my direction moving slowly. It made the anticipation rise, and I started to get nervous again.

I pulled him by his hands towards an old bathroom room that's empty now after being damaged. As I was thinking of what to say I looked and saw Rakaii just looking up at me while our hands were still interlock. If he didn't liked me he would have moved his hand away by now, that must be another sign.

"I don't even know how to tell you this for real, I don't want it to mess up what we got but it will. I just hope it's nothing too serious to you so we can continue" "the fuck did you do? Did you sleep with someone else? Better not be no raw fucking nigga" he said with distaste. Like he was disgusted with me. It made me chuckle because how did he even jump to that? I'm fucking him almost everyday where would I get the time to fuck someone else.

He stared at me with a mug on his face after hearing my chuckle. "Nah, I ain't cheat on you" "good, don't ever" he said and I know I was just saying these were signs to boost my confidence but that definitely had to be one. "So you don't want me cheat on you?" "Nigga why the fuck would I want you fuck someone else?" "No but listen are you cool with me talking to someone else?" I saw his face dropped. I wondered if it was because he thought I was talking to someone else or if it's because he has. "Rakaii I need a truthful answer ok?" "No" he said it really soft.

I don't know the smile just came to my face from nowhere. He never looked up, he just kept looking down as if he said the most embarrassing thing. "So..... you feeling me?" He looked up surprised. "What nigga?" He laughed before continuing "is you feeling me?" He asked and I just nodded my head. I think it caught him off guard because the face he made told me he didn't expect me to say that. "Really?" He asked "really" I answered.

"How long you been feeling me?" He asked "I think I been feeling you for a long time now, all those times I've been trying to hang with you just really told me there was something more than fucking going on. Obviously I love fucking you-" I said as I brought him closer "but I was using that as an excuse to keep you around. I wasn't sure if you liked me but I didn't want you with no one else" he just stared up at me as I placed my hand around his neck and kissed him. He was on his tippy toes kissing back.

"I'm feeling you heavy. Like I'm trying to make you my baby type shit." He just smiled at me as he jumped in my arms. "I think I'm feeling you too lowkey, I didn't know you were feeling me though. I thought you were just always horny and that's why you wanted to be with me all the time, but I realize I had to like you when I let you take me home instead of my date"

My face dropped "it was a date?" "Kinda, we just started talking so I assume he was taking me on a date" "Block him and don't be talking him on that type of timing no more. Matter a fact don't be talking to no one on that type of timing." "Or what?" He said to me and I knew he was saying it because he was hoping I'd try to fuck him. But I'm not no pretend jealous person, I'm a real life jealous person so I'd try to beat that other dude. "Nah I'm not no fuck you cause I'm jealous type a person. Amma beat that other dude cause I'm jealous. I'd fuck you too just cause but nah block him." He just smiled

I grabbed his ass and squeezed it some. "Baby" I said and he looked up. I didn't say anything just really trying to feel out the word and see if he'd acknowledge himself as my baby. I'm glad he did though because I want him to be my baby for real.

We separated and went to our classes. As I was in class watching other couples I realize I'd never be like them no time soon, because Rakaii's in the closet still so don't nobody know what he be doing. I do cause I'm fucking him and that ugly dude he went on that date with but outside of them ain't nobody really know. I don't got no problem keeping it a secret either cause it ain't like I'm openly walking around holding a dudes hand either but I'm also not tripping if someone catches me.

Later it was lunch and I messaged Rakaii telling him to come to my car. I am low-key obsessed with him. Like I'm the type of obsessed where sometimes before we fuck I be smelling his hole type obsessed. His add just does something to me. Literally too.

I see him walking making his way to my car. Looking sexier than a motherfucker, "hi baby" I said and he just blushed and sat down on me. Look how things have changed, I didn't have to tell him come this side. He just knew. He sat straddling me as I played with his ass. I'm not trying to fuck him but I do slam his clothed body on mine. He's just smiling as I keep going. I'm loving this already.

It wasn't intentional but we do end up fucking. But it wasn't my fault. I continued what I was doing but Rakai placed his hands in his pants and started to finger himself while proceeding to tell me he's still a dirty bitch from last time. How could I turn down my baby who's begging for his dick? I'd never

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