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I'm sitting at my booth with my 2 friends, I have a friend group at school and then I have a friend group from my neighborhood. These dudes are rich which I shocking to lots of people, they do YouTube and moved to my area around 2 years ago. I've been in a couple videos with them which is also why I'm so popular at school. So they decided to try this new little restaurant because we were hungry.

I'm looking at my phone responding to my messages, while my friends were goofing off talking about the girls who dm'ed them. Comparing who's more popular. I didn't even waste time getting in the argument because I knew I was at the bottom. I was facing the door when I saw a familiar face walk in. I had to do a double look because I just assumed I was imagining shit.

I watched as Rakaii walked in with some dude I ain't never seen before. Must be his friend from or something. I just watched as they walked in further. "Whatchu looking at nigga?" Tyan said causing kaimon to look at me as well. When I looked around I saw them looking at the direction I was just facing. "It's nothing, I just know that lil one from school" they looked at each other and started laughing. "That your lil nigga or sum Jeremy?" They asked. I knew Rakaii wasn't out and wouldn't want his business out there so I tried my best to lie. "Nah we just got classes together and shit" "so why you staring then nigga?" Why am I staring? I just gave a nervous chuckle and got back to eating.

"You know them boys or something Rakaii? They staring at us mighty" I know Jeremy but I don't know the others, but I know Jeremy cause he's fucking me so I decide to lie "nah I don't know them niggas. You?" "No" he just laughed and we continued talking. We ordered food as the conversations kept flowing. I'm actually enjoying this more than I expected, plus I'm not paying. Love that. I kept chatting and enjoying myself, but for some reason I always felt the need to look around at Jeremy, it was weird knowing he's here as well while I'm out chilling with a nigga.

We're finished and heading back out when I see Jeremy get up as well. I see him motion to his phone causing me to check mine. I placed my phone on silent so I would pay attention to Devante more. As I checked the messages it was just him asking me to come to the bathroom for a sec. I laughed because Jeremy is too horny for a little white boy.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna take a leak before we leave" "ok, I'll just go to the car then, just walk out and come." I started my walk to the bathroom where I found Jeremy standing by the main door. He pulled my hand bringing me into the bathroom, into a stole, locking the door. "Nigga you be too horny, my ass can't get no rest" I said softly. I spoke soft in case someone came in because I already knew the bathroom was empty from the way all the stole doors were open.

"Nah dude that ass clearly ain't getting worn out enough if you can still come here and eat with other men. Is it now" I looked at him and became submissive and soft. Jeremy always had me acting submissive, don't get me wrong I can be soft but I ain't no submissive bitch but he always trying to get me like that.

He grabbed my chin "why you was here Kaii?" He was looking me dead in my eyes as his face was just a few inches away from. Coming closer and closer as he said each word. "I don't know" is the only way words I was able to get out. His lips were now touching mine and I couldn't help but lean in but as I leaned in he moved back. I looked up "what's wrong?" I asked. "Nah Kaii go get that dude out there to kiss you" he said to me. "Nooo Jeremy, you made me horny, that's not fair" I don't know why it sounded like I was whining, I was pouting as well.

"If you want me to kiss you and if you want this" he said as took my hand and made me grab his hard dick. "Tell that lil boy you gotta get a ride from a family member or something and you can't see him no more" he removed my hand from his dick as I whined and tried to grab it again. "Nah go on" he said as he smacked my ass. "Amma be waiting right here Rakaii. If I don't see you back here I know what's up"

I don't even know what I'm doing. What the fuck am I really doing, I'm actually going to have to find Jeremy a partner because how you want to fuck all the time. It's so bad I really have to walk over to another nigga and lie because Jeremy wants to fuck tonight.  I got to the car.

"Hey I literally just got a call from my aunt telling me she needs my help with something, but she don't live out here. She said she'll pass and pick me up. But I'm real sorry dawg. Wish I could've gone witchu but she needs me for a lil minute. So I'm gonna head back inside till she gets here. Stay blessed." He just looked at me as I started to walk away fast so he wouldn't be able to say anything.

"Right come here" Jeremy said as he saw me. He grabbed my neck bringing me in closer. He started kissing me all over. My lips, face, neck and hand. His dick was getting harder and harder. While mine was already hard. "Come we bout to go to my house.......  Shit" Jeremy shouted making me look at him. "I ain't drive so we gotta go with those men out there, they cool so they suspect nothing, I already said we go to school together." He chucked "fuck is you telling them about me for though?" I said looking up at Jeremy in his eyes "alright lol dude don't be going crazy now" he laughed. He pulled out his phone and walked out to the boys I saw him with earlier. They just stared at me and dapper me up.

"We gotta carry him to my house. His bro had an emergency and had to go so he riding to me till his people come get him" the one with dreads looked at his phone, chuckled and said alright nigga let's get on it then. We walked out together and drove to Jeremy's house. The drive wasn't long it was around 27 minutes.

As I got out the car I saw them dap him up laughing. All I heard was "go do your thing big nigga" he looked at me and laughed. Making me mug him cause the fuck they laughing at. This nigga better not be telling them we be fucking. "Calm down fore I fuck you infront of them" he laughed but I just continued to mug him making my way up the stairs to his house. I actually hate this nigga. I really hope he ain't tell them we fucking.

We're in the house and he hasn't done anything as yet. We've just been kissing and I don't know what he's waiting for. "I know you ain't clean so I'm going to let you suck my dick. You want to suck Daddy dick?" I nodded my head slowly. I don't know, something about him dominating me is sexy and just makes me so submissive. "Well get on the floor and get to work then" I just get on my knees. Jerms really be having me loving this dick. It's a shame actually

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