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The 3rd chapter is here guys...
As consciousness slowly returns, the room materializes around him, like mist clearing in the morning sun. An ache throbs at the base of his skull, a stubborn reminder of his recent plunge into unconsciousness. Blinking away the haze, he senses someone nearby. With a furrowed brow, he turns to find Waan, her face etched with worry, standing beside him.

"Waan," he calls out, his voice strained with exhaustion. Startled, she turns to him, her eyes wide with surprise. Before he can say another word, she dashes out of the room, calling for his father. Minutes drag on like eternity as Babe struggles to make sense of his surroundings. Soon, his father and the doctor enter the room. "How are you feeling?" the doctor asks.

"I'm fine, but why am I in the hospital? What happened?" Babe mumbles. "Son, you passed out in the hallway. The doctor said it's because you're too stressed," Tony explains, his voice laden with concern.

Before the doctor departs, he prescribes Babe the necessary medication to prevent any further episodes and informs him that he will be discharged after five more hours of observation. Tony expresses his gratitude to the doctor before turning to Babe, a mixture of concern and relief etched on his face. Babe braces himself for the inevitable question he knows is coming.

"Babe, son, is everything okay?" Tony's voice is gentle yet laden with worry. "Yes, Pa, it's just that I've been stressed about the school," Babe lies, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. Tony's eyes soften with understanding, his fatherly instincts kicking in. "Next time, if you're feeling stressed like this, let Pa know... I was so scared when I heard you pass out that I literally left my work to make sure nothing happened to you."

Deep down, Babe knows that Tony's actions are more about maintaining appearances than genuine concern. But even in the midst of the pretense, there is a flicker of appreciation for his father's commitment to their shared facade. With a silent nod, Babe acknowledges Tony's unwavering support, a silent pact between them to uphold the illusion of paternal care, even in the face of uncertainty.

An hour has passed since Babe's collapse, leaving his hospital room in disarray. With his father's departure, Waan remains a silent presence by his side. In the quiet, Babe's mind wanders to escape, a tempting idea beckoning him. Looking at Waan, Babe hesitates.

"Waan, can I get something to eat?" he asks, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Waan stands, her movements hesitant but determined. Before she can reply, Babe adds, "Something warm, please." With a mix of curiosity and concern, Waan nods and leaves the room. Alone, Babe feels the possibility of escape weigh heavily on him. This is his chance, and he can't let it slip away.

Slowly, Babe rises from his bed, his heart pounding in his chest as he approaches the door. Peering cautiously outside, he spots the two bodyguards stationed there by his father's orders. Panic grips him as he realizes he needs a plan, and fast, before Waan arrives to distract them.

But before he can formulate a plan, fate intervenes. One of the guards receives a call, and both of them hurry off, leaving Babe momentarily unguarded. Seizing the opportunity, he slips out of the room, the urgency of his escape driving him forward. Time is of the essence. With every passing moment, the window of opportunity grows smaller. Babe scans his surroundings, searching for a path to freedom. His eyes settle on the nearby elevator, a beacon of hope in the dimly lit hallway. Just as he is about to make his move, a voice calls out his name, freezing him in his tracks.

As Babe hears the familiar voice calling out to him, dread coils in his stomach. He knows this encounter won't end well. Turning towards the voice, he braces himself for the confrontation. "Babe, where are you going?" she asks, confusion etched across her features. "I'm sorry, Waan, but I have to leave this place as soon as possible," he pleads, desperation lacing his voice. Waan's confusion deepens with his sudden urgency. "Let me call Pa then so we can leave," she suggests, reaching for her phone.

But Babe acts swiftly, grabbing her hand and leading her towards the emergency exit. "Don't let him know, please, Waan. Help me escape from Dad. I can't explain now, but one day you'll understand why I had to leave. Please, I'm begging you," he implores, his words tumbling out in a rush. Confusion clouds Waan's thoughts, but she can't ignore the desperation in her brother's voice. "Babe, you know the consequences of running away from home, right?" she asks, her voice tinged with worry. "Yes, I know. But right now, I have to do this. Please help me, and don't tell anyone. Your life could be in danger too," Babe replies, his urgency mounting with each passing moment. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Waan hesitates before nodding her reluctant agreement. With every second they linger, the window of opportunity for escape grows smaller. It is now or never.

Waan's fingers tremble as she dials the number. "Hello?" comes the voice on the other end. "Charlie, it's me, Waan. Come to Siam Royal Medical Center within 5 minutes. Bring the car, and don't ask questions. We don't have much time," she says urgently, her words rushing. Before Charlie can respond, she ends the call. "Babe, we have to hurry. Let's go," she says, determination flashing in her eyes as she grabs his hand and pulls him along.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Let me know in comments about your thoughts 💭

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