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I know it's been so long since I updated...I have been busy is the 6th chapter.
Currently Babe is waiting for Way inside the cafe. Suddenly hearing the noise of opening of door Babe looked thinking that it might be Way but to his surprise instead of Way he saw Charlie coming into the cafe. At this point Babe was thinking it might be a coincidence only to see the other person walking towards his table.

Charlie came into the cafe and mentioned he had a reserved table. However, when he reached his table, he found Babe already sitting there, looking just as surprised. They stared at each other, unsure of what to say, feeling increasingly awkward as time went on. Eventually, it was Babe who spoke up, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Babe: "So, how did you and I end up on the same table?"

Charlie: "I'm just as confused. Actually, it was my friend who reserved the table."

Babe: "Your friend?... Same here, I was invited by someone. Why do I feel like this was planned?"

Charlie: "I think we should call both of them and ask. Sometimes it might just be a mistake."

So, they both pulled out their phones and dialed the numbers of the friends who were supposed to have invited them.


Babe: "Hey, where are you?"

Way: "Why, what happened?"

Babe: "Did you forget about our meet up today? I'm currently waiting for you at the cafe, but instead of you, it's Charlie who's sitting in front of me. It seems the table you reserved and the one Charlie reserved are the same. Care to tell me what's going on?"

Way: "Ai Babe, I'm sorry. Yesterday, one of my juniors asked if I could reserve a table for him at the same cafe. I think I mixed up the reservation, and I didn't know his friend was Charlie. Let me call Jeff and let you know. Also, I don't think we'll be able to meet today. Actually, Phi Pete took me somewhere as a surprise, and he didn't tell me about it until today. Sorry na, please don't be angry."

Babe: "So you ditched our plan to go on a trip with your husband, and you also mixed up the table reservation. That's very considerate of you. I'll see you when you come back."

Babe ended the call, frustration evident on his face, while Charlie remained on the line with Jeff.

Jeff: "Hello, Char. I was about to call you because something urgent came up, so I don't think we'll be able to meet up today. Sorry."

Charlie: "Oh, it's okay. Actually, I called you to ask something else... Do you happen to know how the table you reserved is the same as Phi Babe's?"

Jeff: "Actually, I wasn't the one who reserved the table. One of my seniors helped me book them. Maybe he's Phi Babe's friend, and they might have planned on meeting today, and he might have given me the wrong table."

Charlie: "I hope you and your supposed senior didn't plan it... if I find out it was planned, you're dead, my dear best friend."

After conversing with their respective friends, both Babe and Charlie exchanged looks, realizing they had been stood up by their friends. It dawned on them that this unexpected encounter was likely orchestrated by their friends. With a shared understanding, they exchanged a small smile, acknowledging the situation together.

Charlie: "It's funny how we ended up here, isn't it?"

Babe: "Yeah, it is pretty amusing. Why don't we order something since we're already here?"

Charlie: "Okay, sounds good."

After that, they both ordered coffee and chatted about random topics. They spent about an hour in the cafe just enjoying each other's company and conversation.

Both Way and Jeff were pleased to see that their plan had worked. A smile spread across Jeff's face as he observed his friend. They had been secretly keeping an eye on Babe and Charlie to see if their scheme would succeed. Everything was going smoothly without raising any suspicion. Charlie and Babe eventually stood up from their seats, still engaged in conversation, and exited the cafe together. They appeared happy, as if they truly enjoyed each other's company.

Babe: "Charlie, what's your next plan?"

Charlie: "Actually, I was planning to go to a museum with Jeff, but I guess I'll have to go alone now... What about you, phi? Do you have any plans?"

Babe: "Nope, my only plan for today was to meet my friend."

Charlie: "Oh, do you want to come with me to the museum?"

Babe: "Hmm, okay if you don't have any problem."

Charlie: "Then let's go."

They spent the day together. After visiting the museum, they went to a restaurant for lunch and continued their day by going to an arcade, where they played for a while before heading back home. They both seemed happy.

Babe's pov:

Today felt like a dream come true, like I was in a fairy tale. I've never felt so many emotions all at once. It's like I discovered a new side of Charlie that I never knew existed, and it had me completely under its spell. His easy going personality pulled me in deeper with every moment we spent together. I couldn't stop myself from being drawn to his smiles and gestures, not realizing that I was falling for him. While we had fun at the arcade, I couldn't help but notice how happy he looked, and it made me feel captivated by him, even though I didn't know it yet.

On the other hand, Charlie lay on his pillow, excitement bubbling up inside him as he replayed the day's events in his mind. The unexpected encounter with Babe, his long-time crush, and the entire day spent together felt like a dream come true to Charlie. It was as if he had finally been given the chance to spend quality time with the person he admired most, and it filled him with joy beyond words.
I hope you guys enjoyed this one ...

Also I am in the middle of my projects and exams so I won't be able to update frequently...

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