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I feel like I never said who actually is Waan to Tony... So here we go. Waan is the biological daughter of Tony her mother died while delivering her and after that she have been looked after by Tony. But even though she is his biological daughter he never ever revealed himself to her.








The garage was in a mess. The main racer was missing, and everyone was worried, thinking the worst. They tried to contact him but couldn't reach him, which only made things worse. Way was the most upset and couldn't hide his panic. His best friend was missing, and he was very scared.

Pete was trying to calm Way down. He hugged Way and whispered comforting words, but nothing seemed to help. The pit crew, usually so organized, was now a bundle of nerves and tempers. The usual work noises were replaced by worried whispers and people pacing around.

Every minute without news felt like forever. The worry was thick in the air, affecting the whole team. Even though Pete tried hard to calm Way, the tension was still there. The garage, normally a place of order and focus, was now filled with a deep sense of fear.

PETE: "Way, please calm down dear, nothing would have happened to Babe."

WAY: "How can I be calm when he went missing without a trace? Even one of his cars is missing, and you want me to calm down!"

PETE (WITH A SIGH): "Alan, what is the status?"

ALAN: "I have sent North and Sonic to Babe's house to check again."

PETE: "Hmm... I hope nothing happened to him. What about Charlie? Have you told him yet?"

ALAN: "I don't think I can tell him this. If he knows that Babe is missing, he will end up doing something reckless."

Suddenly, North and Sonic ran into the garage, holding a piece of paper. Way jumped up, eyes wide with worry. Seeing the two out of breath made the tension in the room even worse. Everyone looked scared and nervous. Who would have thought a piece of paper could make them feel so afraid?

ALAN: "What happened? Why did you both run?"

NORTH: "Lung, we found this inside Phi Babe's house."

Alan took the piece of paper from North and opened it to find a letter.


"To all my beloved people,

I am writing this letter to inform you all that I have made my decision on what to do with everything that is going on. You guys don't have to worry about me anymore. I don't want you to suffer because of my family. As it was my problem from the start, I felt like I should be the one to end it for good. You all were a really important part of my memories. The one year I spent with you was the happiest time of my life.

Way, I am sorry that I left without telling you, because I know if I had told you, you wouldn't have let me go. Lung, take care of yourself, find someone you love, and settle down. You are getting old. North and Sonic, you guys are the light of the garage, and don't stop being that. Just know that I love you all so much and thank you for taking me in as one of you.

Charlie, I don't know what to tell you, but just know that after Way, you are the most important person in my life. I never thought that one day I would say something like this, and I don't know when everything changed. Just so you know, I have always known you were stalking me. I don't know if there is a name for whatever I feel for you, and I don't want you to have anything for me because you deserve more, Charlie, and I don't think I can give you that. So don't be stuck on me and find someone who will cherish you and can be yours forever.

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