Section 2.1: Pirates

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Section 2: The Lost Mine of Phandelver

(Markhus and Yimir left the party)

(Kerikan joins the party)

After several weeks at sea, the group stood aboard the Lockjaw, nothing but the open sea in all directions. At the wheel stood, Capt. Fran Jones. It was about mid-morning, so the sun was high in the sky and the heat of it glared down upon those on deck, but it was a welcome change after the journey through the wintery northern lands.

After a battle with pirates, and realizing that Markhus and Yimir are gone, the group arrives in Neverwinter where they were greeted by the 'very talkative' Kerikan who brings them to Gundren Rockseekeer, a dwarven businessman, and Sildar Hallwinter, a human warrior, who give them the task of taking a cart of Merchandise to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin, a town several days to the southeast. After they leave and run into Hily who agrees to sell a scythe to Zavala for something of equal value, the group heads out for Phanadalin. Unaware of what might await them on the road to Phandalin.

 Unaware of what might await them on the road to Phandalin

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Res_Sick as Kerikan
Dhampir Hellrager Barbarian

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