Session 3.4: The Outcast

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While Kerikan and Harpoon fought the wolves with the eventual help of Zalvala, Zeke rushed to the aid of Avachel and Solana, knocking out the Tiefling who Avachel, recognized from her appearance from a description he had been given in the past to be Flora: The Outcast, while he gathered her items and placed them in a bag for later, after Solana sensed they were magical.

When the Tiefling awoke, they explained that they had been sent by Hily, without evidence she refused to believe them but agreed to go back to the rest of the party if they truly provided proof of their words. Rejoining with the rest of the party, they discovered that Harpoon had taken hold and knocked out the remaining wolf but was unsure of what to do with it.

While the party deliberated, Flora healed those who needed it of their injuries, including herself. Harpoon freed the wolf, then took to skinning the rest with Avachel's assistance, while Kerikan presented the letter from Hily. After reading it, Flora agreed to aid them but only if they completed a task to prove their worth. She led them away to a nearby clearing where the single stone statue of a large Orc stood at the center.

She explained that her husband, who had gone for supplies had been attacked by a witch who lived in Lurkwood, that she had turned him to stone and taken the satchel he was carrying. The task Flora had given them was to kill the witch, and then she would tell them what they had come for. She also instructed that she wanted two items from the satchel, and the rest along with anything else they found could be kept.

She explained what the witch was capable of and urged caution, then presented them with a bundle of silver tipped arrows that could harm the witch better than anything else they had on them. After much more planning and a day's travel, the group took camp. During the night they began to hear strange sounds but were unsure of the source. During the night, Zeke again dreamt of flying, a town under attack from familiar demons, and a pair of bright green eyes with three words echoing once again in his mind. Edward. Cowell. Elias. Playing it off as a nightmare when asked by Avachel, he put it to the back of his mind.

During the next day's journey, they came to a large chasm, stretching down into the darkness with no clear bottom, and among the many cliffs the annoyingly familiar form of Morgana. While they watched her disappear, Solana recalled that there were several tunnels leading into the Underdark in the area. Finding a safe way Avachel led them safely across and away from the bottomless chasm. Taking camp for the second day, the group took their turns keeping watch, but during the final watches of the night the sounds that they had heard seemed to grow much louder and more chaotic than before mimicking the sounds of laughter.

Kerikan who was on watch, and had been alerted to the noise by Avachel, awoke Zalvala, who was stunned at first at the sight of the Barbarian's true face having not seen it before. Together the two of them moved to find the source of the noise which not long after their departure, grew quieter. After a couple minutes they returned, Kerikan looking less irritated and Zalvala somehow more guilty.

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