Session 2.2: The Road to Phandalin

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(Solana joins the party)

Following the suggestion of Gundren, the group traveled south on the High Road and then turned onto the Triboar Trail leading east, along the way the group came upon a lone figure and the two horses belonging Gundren and Sildar, shortly before they were ambushed by a group of four goblins. After killing three, the 4th fled for his life and the group quickly pursued down a partially hidden path. After catching up to the goblin just as he fell unconscious, the group continued onward leaving Kerikan to finish off the half-dead creature and Arctus to take the cart the rest of the way to Phandalin.

Soon, they came to the mouth of a cave, guarded by two more goblins. Acting quickly, Zavala used her druidic powers to aid her allies and together they snuck inside the water filled tunnel, where they soon encountered three wolves. Zeke, using his ability to charm animals, convinced the leader to let them pass and in return freed the wolves.

Continuing onward, the group found themselves facing a new problem, a bridge 20ft in the air with yet another goblin keeping watch for intruders. Creating a noise to draw the attention of the goblin away from them, the group attempted to go up a steep climb but were quickly knocked back down. With only one way forward Zeke attempted to knock the goblin off the bridge, but in doing so, alerted the rest who released the dam holding back the rushing river.

While Kerikan jumped out of the way, Zeke and Zavala climbed up onto the bridge, leaving their new ally, Salana, who lost her footing, to be swept down river, suffering only slight damage. Kerikan moved forward to face the goblins, making quick work of them before being rejoined by the rest of his new comrades.

 Kerikan moved forward to face the goblins, making quick work of them before being rejoined by the rest of his new comrades

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Squidneednf as Solana Witheria

(Shes on kick as 'Squidnee' if you like watching crazy British people play video games :) Go torture her for me!)

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