Session 3.3: Longsaddle

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Avachel Blackdusk has joined the Party

Thaddius Boon has left the Party

As the party regroups, Thaddius expresses that there is somewhere else he has to be and bids the party farewell. After Thaddius' exit, the group continues onward to Longsaddle. As they enter the small hamlet, Kerikan and Solana instantly feel a strong surge of magical energy but are unable to find the source which puts Kerikan even further on edge. Zeke decides to take a look around, turns into a rabbit, and separates momentarily from the party.

While he is gone, the rest of the group moves further into town and approaches the Gilded Horeshoe Inn which they find is closed until spring, but the scent of cooked meat and the sound of hammering metal draws the party to explore the town further. While Harpoon moves across the street to a butcher to purchase some food for a midday meal, Kerikan, Solana, and Zalvala head down the street toward the sound of hammering metal.

Entering the building, they find a young girl hammering away at a piece of metal but at their entrance she calls out to someone else, and a blonde-haired man appears from the backroom to welcome them. Kerikan inquires if they have a shield for purchase and he offers one off the wall for him to buy. After making his purchase, the blonde introduces himself as Edward 'Ed' Dumas and thanks them for shopping at the Furnace Factory. Before leaving Solana requests a lockpick and is advised to return later.

Outside the blacksmith, Zeke returns to the group and asks for Nezznar's ring coming up with the idea that maybe someone in town will recognize it. While the party was having that talk and Zeke started to approach a nearby tree, Solana took notice of a lurker watching from a street corner. She attempted to tell him off for staring, which only seemed to egg him on and any attempt from the rest of the party to intervene ended in insult on their part, earning outrage from Zalvala and a tree therapy session for Zeke. The pompous little jerk introduced himself as Von Harpell, the nephew of someone who ran the Ivy Manor, an apparent school for wizards.

Solana attempted to walk away, and Von blocked her path but as he attempted to reach for her, he found himself frozen in place. From down the street, they were approached by a female Tortle, who urged caution with the Harpells before dealing with the current annoyance.

The Tortle introduces herself as Terra Kota and agrees to show the group around town. She shows them around Longsaddle and Solana makes several purchases for a future spell, dropping her personal funds to near nothing.

Rejoining with Harpoon, they inform Kota that Hily had sent them to find her and that they needed passage through the Spine and that Kota should meet with them in Luskan. She agrees, but at the mention of Lurkwood she advises that they find a guide to help them through the forest. The next day, Kota introduces them to Avachel Blackdust, an old friend of hers.

Departing from Longsaddle, the group eventually took camp near the northern edge. Avachel kept watch while Harpoon took advantage of the waterfall sourced lake with Zeke eventually joining him in the form of an otter, Kerikan took up a private training session off to the side with his new shield, Zalvala spent her free time reading through a book that Reidoth had given her, and lastly Solana took her time to ritually cast a spell to summon forth a new companion in the form of a fairy dragon with indigo scales who she then dubbed Vyxen.

During his watch, Avachel noticed movement near the tree line and informed Kerikan of this sighting, putting the both of them on alert. The next day they began their journey into the dark forest of Lurkwood with their elven guide leading the way. They were halted, however, by Avachel when he heard the sound of rushing water shortly before a tidal wave came flying toward them, hit Solana and carried her upriver at the same time a strong wind blasted into Harpoon and Kerikan throwing them through the trees, and two large griffons attacked Zeke and Zalvala.

Avachel gave chase after Solana, before they both came face to face with an unfamiliar green Tiefling in black who questioned their presence within the forest. Kerikan and Harpoon who had lost sight of the rest of the group found themselves surrounded by a pack of wolves, and Zeke and Zalvala rushed to the aid of both groups after outsmarting the griffons, cutting the party of 6 in 2.

Spelling_Airor as Avachel Blackdusk

Wood Elf Rogue Scout

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