With a knock against the wood, and my cheek being chewed away, Mr. Ernest opened the door, giving me a once over before looking at me, bored.
"Good night sir, I know my time is almost up but please, give me till tomorrow afternoon-" I plead, only for him to hold his hand up, cutting me off. He shook his head and stared at me. I felt my heart sink and all hope leave my body.
"No need for the begging. Two men came over earlier and paid off your debt plus the next two months. You saved yourself this time. But don't let it happen again." He grunted before closing the door. I stared at the wood, dumbfounded.
I figured it was Milo and Ethan, walking back to my apartment, I walked in calmly. I didn't say anything to them at first to see if they would confess. Which they didn't. However, when I confronted them about it, they looked at me like I had grown three more heads.
Reassuring me that they had nothing to do with the rent, I left them alone, wondering who paid it. A few days later, I was sprawled out on my bed, surrounded by art books. Next week was finals week, which meant I was overloaded with studying. My books were sprawled all over my desk and bed, papers on the floor and notes on the little whiteboard.
Prof. Everest gave me the first three days to study and relax. Now it was Thursday and I was nowhere near ready for Monday. Walking into his lecture room with a backpack full of books that weighed me down. "Good Evening." I murmur.
"Evening. I don't think that's good for your back." He said amused, leaning against his desk. I sighed and dropped the bag down next to my desk. "Stressed?"
"That's an understatement. I don't think I'm ready for Monday, and I know I still have four days to study but Milo is taking me out on the weekend. So I only have today and tomorrow." I ranted, biting my tongue to hush myself. He chuckled and walked towards me, picking up the heavy bag and putting it over his shoulder.
"Let's go to my office better. I'll give up the tutoring and help you study." He said kindly, holding his hand out for me to take. I look at him with grateful eyes and place my hand in his, standing from my desk. He moved his hand behind me, placing it on my lower back and guiding me to his office.
Only until now did I realize how tall he was. Almost a foot taller than me. And I was 5'6. So imagine how giant he was. He led me down the halls and opened the door that had Mr. Lee on it. Closing the door behind him, he gestured to one of the couches pressed against the wall.
Mr. Lee's office was filled with walls of books. Couches pressed against the wall facing his desk. He didn't have chairs by his desk like the other professors. Only a few feet in between the couch and desk. Huge windows that overlooked the courtyard.
I sat down and watched as he took out some pages from the drawer in the desk and grabbed a few books from the shelves. He placed them on the little table in front of us and sat beside me, propping his legs up against said table.
"Don't be shy, get comfortable." He said amused, a small smirk on his lips. I remove my sneakers, my black socks keeping my feet warm. I lift them and tuck them under me. "Okay, the key to studying is taking breaks. We study for 20 minutes and take a five-minute break. Okay?" He said, opening my backpack and taking out a textbook.
"Sounds great. Let's do theatre first, that's the one that has me more stressed out." I murmur, leaning over his legs and grabbing the book from my bag. I heard him inhale softly, smiling softly at me once I settled back in my spot.
For the next hour, he helped me study the topics I needed. I hadn't realized how funny he was until he stood up to reenact a scene to help me understand it better. I don't know if he did it on purpose, but while dramatically getting "stabbed", he hit his knee on the table, glaring at me when I snorted. He proceeded to stare at me with a foreign look in his eyes, no doubt holding a grudge against me for laughing.
Another hour passed and we switched to another material, he was lying on the floor with his legs up on the table, quizzing me. I was lying on the couch with my hands over my eyes trying to remember the answers. Completely oblivious of the fact that his eyes weren't on the book, but on me.
I felt his hand wrap around my ankle, tugging me hard enough to make me fall on the floor. I sat up and gaped at him, glaring daggers at him.
"There's your answer." He smiled smugly, still lying on the floor. I huffed and stood, looking out the window to see that it was already night.
"Jeez... how long have we been studying?" I ask, looking at my phone. It was nearly 7:30. We have been here since 4:30. "Three hours.."
"That did not feel like three hours." He chuckled, grabbing his phone. Curious, I peeked down at it. He was ordering from Doordash. "Hungry?"
"Starved." I chuckle, sitting back down on the couch. He got up and sat beside me, showing me a video on his phone of Mr. Lee with his new grandson. He was still with a cannula in his nose though. "Awh, that's so sweet. Do you think Mr. Lee will get any better?" I murmur sadly.
"Hopefully. If I remember correctly, he has a 68% chance of recuperating." He said, putting his phone away. I nodded and grabbed the textbook off the table. Before I could open it, he placed his hand on it, keeping it shut. "Let's take a break."
I nod and put the book back, tucking my legs under me again. I could feel his eyes on me, making me look at him with a quirked eyebrow.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I joke, rolling my eyes playfully. He snorted and shook his head, sighing dramatically.
"Unfortunately, if I take a picture it'll break my camera." He said in the same tone as I did. I turned to him with a look of mock offense.
"Look who's talking!" I grin and shake my head, looking away and chuckling softly. He murmured something about being the most handsome creature to walk the earth, making me laugh harder. "You wish."
"I only wish for y- money, angel." He joked, I noticed the slight stutter over his words but ignored it. I quirk an eyebrow at him making him grin.
"You act as if you're not already rich." I huff. This time it was his turn to look at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Who told you that lie? I'm eyeballs deep in debt." He grinned, adjusting himself so that his body was turned to me, his arm on the back of the couch. I smiled and picked at the little fuzz on my sweater. I felt his knee touch mine, looking down at his knee, I watched as his hand moved over to my knee. His fingers looping around the loose thread of my jeans. "Can I speak as an... I don't even know, anything but a professor?" He whispered.
"Always." I whisper back, repeating the same word he said when I asked to speak freely. He smiled and looked at me, his green eyes searching mine.
"You're graduating after next week.. Which means I won't be your professor anymore. So, I ask for the future, would you like to go out for a drink soon?" He asked, his eyes still on mine. My breath stuttered as it left my lungs. I ignored the feeling of his palm resting above my knee, his fingers caressing it softly.
"I, uhm, I don't drink... But I can settle for milkshakes..?" I whisper, my throat feeling like it was closing up, my brain feeling fuzzy and my heart felt like it was on the verge of gnawing at my ribs to get out
"I can accept that." He whispered back, his eyes fluttering over my face. I felt my skin heat under his gaze, feeling awkward, I cleared my throat and pick back up my text book.
"Let's continue."

Not So Delicate ||18+|| ✔️
Romantik"Bastard." She whispered. "Your bastard." He whispered back. ~~~~~~~~★~~~~~~~~ A shy at first girl but wild once you get to know her. Her innocence is nothing but mock. Behind her curious, innocent eyes lie a woman who'll make their knees shake. In...