Zachary ~45~

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The sun peaked through my curtains, indicating I slept in. I roll over to pull Brooklyn closer, only to be met with an empty bed. I sigh and sit up, rubbing my eyes. I grab my phone, seeing a message thread on the group chat from Brooklyn.

B: 'Got called in for work a bit earlier today, I'll see you three around 2 :)'

A: 'You feel okay?'

B: 'I have a bone to pick with you later. I can't fucking sit properly.'

A: 'Good.'

C:'If you're in too much pain, come home.'

B: 'I'll be fine. I gotta go, see y'all later.'

'Bye sweetheart, see you later.'

I turn my phone off and get out of bed, walking into my bathroom and taking a quick shower. I walk downstairs, seeing I had the house to myself today. Atticus still hasn't come home, no doubt hunting down Joshua. I go into the kitchen, finding some cereal to eat.

Whenever I had the house to myself, I barely did much. Not that I could do much, the cameras would be my number one snitch and the guys would bully me for life if I were to do anything stupid. The cameras in the kitchen were just there for security, the backyard door was a little too easy to break open. I open the curtains that sort of hid the doors.

I walk outside with my bowl of cereal, sitting on one of the lounge chairs. I ate my breakfast and relaxed outside for a few more hours. I hadn't even realized it when my eyelids got heavy again and I was soon fast asleep.

I found it easier to sleep lately. There was hardly any more tossing and turning. And there were a lot less sounds of furniture being wrecked. The nights were easier now.

I was harshly awoken by someone throwing water at me. I jump up and curse, wiping the water away from my face before glaring at Atticus who stared at me innocently. His face was bloody and bruised, no doubt adorning a new scar soon. His left eye was half closed, and the scar he had on it was cut open.

"Did it rain?" He asked, tilting his head at me with a smirk. I huff and roll my eyes. Picking up the empty bowl I ate out of and walked into the house again, Atticus following behind with a limp.

"Let me guess, I should see the other guy?" I shoot over my shoulder, placing the dish in the sink and turning to him, eyeing his injuries.

"They're lucky I had just fucked Brooklyn." He murmurs, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet and gulping it down, tossing a bit of it on his arm where there was a gash. All that pent-up tension he had in him had somewhat left after he fucked her. And last night he was being careful.

"What are you gonna do when Brooke comes home?" I ask, looking at the time. Damn, I nearly slept through the day. It was almost 2 already.


"She's gonna mother hen you."

"And I'll let her."

"You're whipped." I tease, walking out of the kitchen before he cuts my head off. I walk upstairs to change out of my damp shirt. I see a message from Brooklyn saying she stopped by a shop to pick up snacks for the house. I change quickly and walk back downstairs, Atticus nowhere to be seen.

I sit on the couch and watch a random channel, sighing in boredom. Call me crazy but watching TV channels instead of movies and shows just makes me even more bored. A few minutes go by and Callan walks in holding three bags of only snacks as Brooklyn skips along behind him munching on a candy bar.

"Remind me not to run into this one when she's shopping." Callan murmurs, smiling down at Brooklyn who narrows her eyes at him.

"You took the bags from me." She huffs walking over to me and offering me a bite of her candy. I noticed she walked with a little limp, no doubt sore from last night. I shake my head softly and pull her onto my lap, kissing her sweet lips. She was my favorite candy.

"How was your day?" I ask her, watching as her eyes focus on the TV, watching the flea market flip thing. "Damn, the TV catches her attention more than I do."

"You jealous of a TV? My my." She chuckles, leaning down and kissing me softly before taking another bite of her candy. "It was good, I was called in because I have my first photo shoot next week."

"Congratulations. Who's the customer?" I ask, watching her brows furrow a little.

"That's a good question. Let me know when you find out." She mumbles, looking back at the TV. I chuckle and shake my head, gently kissing her shoulder. "It's an anonymous order. What's even weirder is they requested me."

And with that, I know who the customers are.

"Must've heard good things about you." I say softly, laughing when she looks at me with an unamused look.

"I've been sitting behind a desk this whole time. That option is not valid. Robert said that the dude is very big and stuff so if I stuff this up, I'm fired. You know how much pressure that is??" She whined, leaning back and placing the candy wrapper on the coffee table before cuddling against my chest.

"You're going to do amazing, sweetheart. I believe in you." I whisper, gently rubbing her thighs. She sighs softly before tensing, jerking back, and staring at me.

"Holy shit. You were my professor!" She said with wide eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at her, the realization hitting her like a truck. "Ew, you realize how weird that is??"

"I'm sorry?" I apologize, unsure how to react. She closes her eyes, cringing a little before leaning forward and kissing me softly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I just hadn't really analyzed it fully. I'm dating my ex-professor. That's like dating Mr. Lee." She groans.

"Except I'm like 40 years younger, more handsome, and I'm overall amazing." I boast. She simply stares at me and then nods slowly, carefully removing herself from my lap.

"I'm afraid the only truth in that was the first part." She mumbles before quickly walking into the kitchen. I sit there for a moment before it finally hit me.

"Hey!" I jump up and go after her, seeing Callan stand suspiciously still, a smirk on his face. I sigh and move around him, seeing Brooklyn with her face stuffed into his back, her little cheeks were high and rosy, trying not to laugh. "You're a mean creature, y'know."

I walk away and head outside, wondering where Atticus had escaped to this time. I heard small footsteps behind me before a gasp filled my ears. I turn and look at her as she stares at our pool.

"You're telling me, I've lived here for a little over a month and didn't know you had a pool??" She gapes, looking at me with accusing eyes. I grin and shrug.

"We hardly ever use it, you're free to take a dip whenever you want. It's temperature adjusting, so when it's hot the water is cold and vice versa." Technology is insane. I blinked and she was gone, the sound of her footsteps running through the house made me chuckle. I took the pool cover off in advance, feeling the water and removing a few stray leaves that managed to enter.

A few minutes had passed and I heard Callan come out, standing beside me and looking into the house as the sounds of her giggles got closer. She popped up by the door wearing a bathing suit cover, her black two-piece popping out from under. I nearly fainted at the sight. She quickly stripped off the cover and tossed it to us before making a run for it. Jumping into the pool.

I couldn't help but laugh at her antics, watching her emerge from the water and grin at us, calling us in. I strip off my shirt and pants, leaving my boxers on, and dove into the water with her. I stayed under, swimming till I reached the floor, aiming where I saw the faint silhouette of her legs, I kicked up and grabbed them, pulling her underwater for a moment before pulling her up.

"You bastard." She huffs, splashing water at me. I chuckle softly and roll my eyes, looking at her lovingly.

"Your bastard." I whisper, grinning at her. She stares at me for a moment before splashing me again, swimming away while giggling.

She swam away before I could say it.

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