Brooklyn ~51~

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Warning: Oral sex, fingering, Intercourse, slight bondage, praise.

P.S. Not much smut but it's there.

I wake up to the feeling of a warm body against mine. I roll over, admiring Callan's sleeping face as the moonlight hits it through the curtains. He was breathing softly, his arm draped over my half-naked body. It took me a moment to remember why I was in this state, but when I did, my body warmed.

My thighs were still very sore. And my breasts were hurting like a bitch. But all the pain left my mind at the memory.

'I love you.'

Atticus. He was the last person I would have expected to say it first. I thought it would be Zach to say it first but... I'm not complaining one bit.

Did I say it back? I can't remember. I'll tell it to him in the morning.

"Your staring is creepy." Callan's tired voice snapped me out of my thoughts, nearly jumping out of my skin when my eyes met with his open ones.

"You're crazy." I huff, calming my breathing. He chuckles and adjusts himself, lying more comfortably. His arm was under his head as he stared up at the ceiling. He was shirtless and in boxers, letting me see his body clearly. That's when I noticed a new tattoo on his rib. "Is this new?"

"It is. You like it?" He asks, looking at me as I admire the intricate lines. I nod softly, my finger gently tracing the outline of the Bee.

"Why a Bee? Is it like an innuendo or something?" I ask, curious about the little insect. It was so detailed, making it look almost 3D.

"That's what your name starts with no?"

I freeze.

"Tell me you're joking." I say panicked, looking at him with wide eyes. He furrows his brows and reaches out to me, combing away some hair from my face.

"I'm not. I thought you liked it?" He asks confused, almost sad. I shake my head quickly, placing my hand on his that was on my cheek.

"I do like it. It's a very pretty tattoo. But... did you really get it for me?" I ask him, staring at the tattoo.

"I did."

"That was a stupid idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm very honored you did that but... what if things don't work out..? What if something goes wrong? Then you'll have a constant reminder on your rib." I fret, making him sigh. He sits up and pulls me to straddle him.

"I'd have a constant reminder of the best moments of my life. I don't think that's something I would regret." He says softly, rubbing his thumbs in circles on my hips.

"You need to stop saying cute things like that. Seriously, it makes my stomach think it's an acrobat." I groan, hiding my face in his neck. He chuckles softly and hugs me tightly, groaning softly.

"Why are you two up?" Zachary's voice came from the doorway. I look at him and smile at the figure of his body in the doorway. He was hardly visible due to the darkness. But I knew he was there.

"Could ask the same of you." I hum softly. He chuckles and walks in, sitting on the bed beside us.

"Wanted to check on you." He says softly.

"Hmph, and I'm left in the dust now." Callan huffs from under me. I chuckle and kiss his forehead softly.

"Yeah, no one gives a damn if you're alright." Zachary huffed, making me give him a look. He smiles softly at me. "That's how we tease each other, sweetheart"

"I have a question... it's weird but I've been wanting to ask." I mumble, playing with Callan's hair. His hands gripped my hips.

"Ask away," Callan says softly. Both of them had their attention on me, making me squirm a little.

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