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The first few minutes of the drive are silent, nothing but the sounds of his car on the road and some music on the radio. My thoughts are racing as all the alcohol I've drunk sunk in. The more I sit and think the more I have to adjust in my seat. I just want him one more time is that horrible? Yes.

"Uncomfortable?" His sultry voice floods my ears.

"Mhm." I agree lowly.

"Let me know what I could do to accommodate you, love."

"I'm fine it's okay, Vasilos." I brush him off, just not wanting to hear his voice.

He reaches over and places his hand on the back of my neck and rubs my skin with his thumb. A fire in me ignites and I squeeze my eyes shut, breathing deeply. Lord help me. Wait the fuck a minute why is he even touching me?

I shrug him off and scoot an inch away, biting my bottom lip to keep from saying anything I might regret, whether it may be sexual or rude.

"What's wrong, prínkipissa?" He asks.

"Nothing, just drive." I reply my head spinning.

The road is dark and foggy with the trees curve into a pathway. I feel the car start slowing down and Vasilos pulls onto the side of the road. My head snaps up and I turn to look at him but he's already unbuckling his seatbelt turning to me.

"I really do apologize, Ranae," he expresses, my name rolling off his tongue making me shiver.

"I know, you've said it already." I slur rolling my eyes. "Is there a reason we stopped?"

"Just want more time to spend with you considering your not going to talk to me after this." He says.


"I know, I know."

"What if I had a boyfriend this whole time?" I ask and his eyes darken.

"tha ton skótona."

I hum and turn to face the road ahead of me. He doesn't understand what that feels like, how could he not be more empathetic?

He reaches over and caresses my shoulder gently and I look to him my eye's threatening to water. I cannot drunk cry in front of him.

"I don't think your hearing me when I'm apologizing which is understandable,. But I feel fucked up for even putting you in this position, you as a whole make me feel something I've never felt before and make everything blurry for me" he chuckles while talking. "So it was easy for me to forget what was never wanted in the first place, I'm not even supposed to be with her."

"I do understand, Vas, I'm just not the kind of person that will sit there and let you be disloyal to someone and me all at the same time and if I'm like that to you and you really feel like that, you know what to do."

"This is why i really like you, your such a kind soul." My heart melts at this, I'm a sucker for real compliments. I look away from him again putting my hands together in my lap. My heart is beating rapidly and the air in the car is thick with tension. He knows I really don't like the position I'm in and that I really won't associate with him until everything is over, but I think he also knows that I want him one last time. Is that wrong of me? Yes.

"Can we please drive?" I sigh loudly.

"Is that what you want, Agápi?" His deep voice fills my ears and invades my space making me gulp quietly. It's silent for a second as I don't know if I really want to go but I can't do this with him. My body and mind is so drawn to him I can barely think. This cannot be healthy.

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