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(votes are greatly appreciated they really help me out,Also this is what velocity sounds like when she hisses and growls, though it does vary depending on her mood but it it's mainly velociraptor noises.

Also feel free to ask questions about the story I have changed a few things.

I put three different ones because I couldn't decide

Velocity's pov:

I watched as the cat girl left, something smelt comforting to me about her,She smelt.


I growled in pain as the shock collar around my neck sparked angrily.

I hissed as the door opened to the cell I was thrown into and the red robe wearing person returned.

There was two guard with her pointing their sparking weapons at me.

I hissed again as she neared.

She smelt like death and blood.

"Now you will listen and respond"she hissed angrily.

Her voice hurt my ears as I glared.

"What are you?"She asked angrily.

I growled but I knew it I didn't respond I would get shocked again.

"I am a draconian"I responded,a slight growl to my voice.

"A draconian?"

There was a slight suprise to her voice.

"We are shapeshifters that utilize specific elements to our control,we evolved from dragons and Giant lizards"I continued as the chains held my wings down.

I growled in pain as she used her magic on me.

"Are you part of the rebellion"She growled.

"I do not know of this rebellion that you speak of, I woke up in your forest after a battle"I replied through the pain.

She finally stopped using her treacherous magic against me.

She began to leave and I could hear her talking to the guards at my door.

"Stand guard here, perhaps this beast can be of use to us"The shadowy person said as she left.

I growled as I moved in my cell, everything hurt,my head felt funny.

I needed to run and fly,I needed to see the sky.

I walked quietly towards the green laser like door.

I looked towards my left and right seeing the guards.

They looked like they were going to fall asleep.

I gently pressed my hand towards the cell door,it hummed with electricity.

Yes it was electrical.

I smiled,pleased with myself.

I could absorb the electricity from the field and escape.

I sniffed the air gently.

The scent of the girl that was here previously was still in the air.

She smelt like fresh pine and the smell of home.

I shook my head,that wouldn't make sense,she wasn't from my home.

I shrugged the feelings off and began planning my escape plan.

Catra's Pov:

I stood with the other cadets as we began to get ready for training.

We each stood on the platforms that told our commander that we were present,each circle lit up as I look to the one Adora usually stood on.

My ears flattened slightly but I shook my head and stood up straight as Lonnie,Kyle and Rogelio stood on their own beacon.

Commander cobolt came out and told us what were was meant to do.

"At attention, cadets. Your simulation is about to begin. Here's your scenario. You'll be passing through the treacherous Whispering Woods to reach a rebellion camp that is heavily guarded"

Kyle Whimpers as I rolled my eyes.

"Your mission is to defeat the guards and liberate the camp"he said.

"The Whispering Woods is full of princesses and beasts possibly even like the one that was caught today.  Vicious, violent instigators. They will take you out if given the chance. Don't give it to them. Good luck, recruits."he said as he left.

We head into a training arena and a purple princess appears overhead.

"Watch out!"I said as a princess hologram appeared

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!"Kyle yelled.

The princess fires as the recruits dash into the arena,Lonnie threw an explosive.

Kyle is hit and I growl in annoyance and turn to him,His suit is sizzling and an X appears on the plate.

"Aw, dang it!"Kyle said sadly.

"Seriously, Kyle?"I hissed angrily.

Another princess hologram was about to attack as all of sudden it disappeared and the lights turned red.

The intercom came on as an alarm sounded.

I could hear screaming from somewhere as the others looked worried.

"Attention all personnel,all guards are to head to hallway X in the prison block,a prisoner has escaped"the intercom said as it finished.

The robotic voice returned saying the same message.

The training doors opened as the different commanders came to get the cadets out of the training simulator.

I saw Lonnie,Kyle and Rogelio running but before I could get out the doors closed and the lights dimmed.

They didn't see me.

"Fuck!"I yelled as I banged on the door.

I suddenly heard a loud crash and I hid behind one of the fake trees.

I heard that strange clicking again and something that sounded like a call.

Whatever was in that cell was now trapped with me in a locked room.

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