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No Pov:

Catra hid behind some of the fake trees as she tried to slow her breathing.

She could swear the creature could hear her and sense where she was just by listening to her heart beat.

Catra's black slid against the metal as she sat down,she could still hear that clicking sound.

She slowly turned her head round the corner and that's when she saw it.

A large black scaled creature stood there.

It had large wings and stood on both its arms and legs.

It sniffed the air and got on all fours and sniffed the ground as it's large sharp sickle claw clicked the ground

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It sniffed the air and got on all fours and sniffed the ground as it's large sharp sickle claw clicked the ground.

Catra covered her mouth in fear as tears swelled in her eyes.

This was it,this creature was going to hunt her down and either kill or eat her.

She watched the creature's shadow against the wall, moving as it exploded it's surroundings.

Catra peaked her head around the corner and could see the creature with it's back turned as it sniffed around.

It's tail twitching.

Catra creeped across the ground as quietly as possible, hoping the creature wouldn't spot her.

She hid in one of the fake hiding places they had in the training room that was slightly off the ground.

The alarms blared red but the siren had stopped.

Catra sighed a breath of relief from her new hiding place but as she sat down her foot hit a stun batton.

Catra covered her mouth in fear as the stun batton clattered to the ground.

The creature raised its head and turned towards catra and it's mouth opened as it hissed revealing large fangs as it charged towards catra.

Catra screamed as the creature charged towards her but as catra screamed the creature shook its head from the large noise and ran past her hiding place.

Catra began hyperventilating but managed to calm her breathing.

She poked her head out of her hiding place slowly as her eyes widened.

The creature began to glow and change shape.

It stood upright and had large bat like wings,a long black tail with blue feathers,long dark blue horns and clawed feet and hands.

It groaned and flew up began punching the celling,it hissed as it tried to kick the ceiling.

It growled in pain and flew back down.

Catra's Pov:

I saw one of its legs was cut.

I looked at the rest of it,and I noticed it was a girl.

She had bronze skin with scars on her body,the most prominent one being a large scar across her nose.

She had long black fluffy ears and short black hair with a blue streak.

She shook her head as she took a step but hissed as the pain took over.

I couldn't leave all alone and in pain,she seemed strong and maybe we could use someone like that.

She groaned and fell to her knees.

I slowly walked over to her,my hand outstretched.

"Hello?"I asked as the woman whipped her head round and hissed at me.

"Who are you and what is this place"she hissed.

Her voice was raspy and she easily towered over me.

"I am Catra and this is the training room, I'm guessing from you trying to attack the celling that you weren't ment to end up here"I laughed nervously.

Her blue eyes narrowed at me as I gulped.

Her eyes were like clear water or bright crystals.

I felt my cheeks heat up,she was beautiful.

The woman sniffed the air and looked at me,her eyes going wide.

"How do you smell like that?"She asked.

"Smell like what?"I asked as I picked up pieces of cloth to wrap the girls wound with.

"Like a draconian?"She said confused.

"what's a draconian?"I asked as I began bandaging her leg.

"We are shapeshifters that utilize elements"she said"I am for example a dark draconian"

"So there are more types?"I asked as a I finished bandaging her wounds.

"Yes,there are seven tribes, I velocity,am a dark draconian "she said repeating.

I nod,so her name was velocity.

"Each tribe has a unique scent yet yours is a faint Earth draconian scent but it's still there"velocity paused and her eyes searched me"but you don't look like a draconian"

"Of course I'm not,I'm a magi cat according to shadow weaver"I said back Snarkyily.

Velocity winced at the Shadow part but shook her head.

"The only way I would be able to pick up another draconian scent is if you were mated to one or...."velocity trailed off at the end and looked at me.

"That could only mean one thing catra"velocity said slowly"the only way you could have the scent of an Earth draconian "

I tilted my head Curiously,what was this dragon girl rambling about.

"You're part draconian"

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