Chapter 1

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*3rd POV*

| In Oz at the Emerald City |

Three familiar figures were walking down a hallway. It was the Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion. "Thank you both for coming. emerald City needs all the heart and courage it can get right now." Scarecrow said as he leads the way, with Lion and Tinman following. "Got your back, straw man. You can count on us." Lion said, agreeing to help already.

"Oh? You can count now, can you?" Tinman asked Lion now. "Oh, boy. Sounds like somebody needs an oil change. What'd you do? Forget to prime your pump?" Lion asked, hitting Tinman's chest as the three of them stopped walking. "Oh, very brave. You know, I think that crown has gone to your head." Tinman said gesturing to the crown on Lion's head.

"Can it, rust bucket." Lion demanded. "Oh, how dare you!" Tinman said offended. "Oh, I'll show you how. Come on, funnel-head. Let's go! Clank, clank, clank!" Lion said, as Scarecrow looked at them unamused and sighed. He walked towards them. "Anybody in here? Oh, yeah. That just happened." Lion said as he was holding Tinman by his head. 

Scarecrow separated them. "Break it up, you two knuckleheads. We're in a grave situation here!" Scarecrow said sternly. "Oh, sorry." Tinman said, apologizing. "Yeah. I guess we're all a little on edge, huh?" Lion said softly. "Copy that. But with all of Oz at risk, I need you two to stand guard while I try to contact Dorothy and Izzy." Scarecrow said, causing the other two to stop.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Contact Dorothy and Izzy? How?" Lion asked confused. "I'm a genius, remember?" Scarecrow said, causing Lion to roll his eyes. "But they've probably forgotten all about us by now." Tinman said sadly. "Whoa. Yeah, it's been a long time." Lion said, to Scarecrow. 

"For us, my friends, yes. But time in Oz passes differently than in their world. It's been years since they've destroyed the Wicked Witches, but to them, it's going to seem like only yesterday." Scarecrow said, before walking ahead of them again. "Well, let's hope they got a good night's sleep." Tinman said as Lion nods. 

Scarecrow opened the door. "Now, you two keep an eye on that broomstick while I--" Scarecrow didn't say anything else, as all three of them gasp, seeing something horrible. The Wicked Witch of the West's broomstick was gone! Thunder rumbled in the back. "Oh, too late." Lion said as Scarecrow ran towards the machine. 

"Secure the chamber! We've got to get through to Dorothy and Izzy!" Scarecrow said as he got to the machine while Tinman and Lion began boarding stuff up. Scarecrow pushed a button that had Kansas under it, and a screen that said 'A message for Dorothy and Izzy press here'. Thunder clapped in the background. 

"Dorothy, Izzy. Scarecrow to Dorothy, Izzy. Come in, Dorothy and Izzy." Scarecrow said as he began to activate the machine, and rainbow colors began to fly out of it. "Dorothy! Izzy!" Scarecrow yells, as it echoes. 

*My POV*

Dorothy and I moaned as we began to wake up, and we heard panting. "Toto." I said softly as we opened our eyes. Toto whimpered and licked our cheeks as we chuckled. "We're home." Dorothy said softly, as Toto barks. We sat up in bed, as we held Toto, then a drop of water hit his nose. We looked up, only to see a hole in our ceiling. 

We gasped. We heard water dripping into buckets. "Em. Em, over here. Look at this. That twister took out everything in its path." We heard Uncle Henry say as we gasped at the ruins of our room. We quickly got out of bed and looked out the window. "Knocked the house right off its foundation." Uncle Henry continued.

"Do you think we can fix it?" Aunt Em said. "I don't know. That's an awful lot of damage." Uncle Henry said, which caused me and Dorothy to grab our stuff and run out of our room. "Uncle Henry!" Dorothy shouted as we ran to the door. I pant as I get my boots on with Dorothy. "Auntie Em?" I asked as Toto was by our feet and we opened the door, only to see the damage outside. 

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