Chapter 3

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*My POV*

Wiser slid down the hill and we followed him, but I was really, really hesitant to eat the candy, something didn't feel right. Wiser ate a few pieces of candy, and handed Dorothy a few things of candy. "It's gonna be fine! Just read the signs." The Jester sang. I thought I heard someone singing and I looked around, just to see the four of us. 

Toto linked a candy cane. "Eat anything you want! Stick around and gulp it down! Till every last bite is gone!" The Jester sang, and I knew I was hearing him, but I don't know how I was. Wiser, Dorothy and Toto were eating all they wanted. "You know you want it! You know you need it! Don't stop! Go ahead and eat it!" The Jester sang as Dorothy and Wiser were fooling around.

"Candy! Candy! Lots for everyone!" The Jester sang and I didn't like that they were eating every last drop of candy. "Candy! Candy! You've only just begun!" The Jester sang and Wiser slipped and bumped into a candy cane, causing Dorothy and I to flinch slightly. "Help yourself 'cause there's nothing else! You're gonna wanna do today!" The Jester sang.

A whole lot of snow fell on top of Wiser. Dorothy slid towards it happily, with Todo following. I sighed and used my wings and I flew over to them. "Get your thrills till you've had your fill! I wanna see you feed your face!" The Jester sang as Dorothy and Wiser had a contest to see who could eat the most. 

I was still flying around them, watching them. "There's gum balls, chocolate, jelly rolls and lollipops! Licorice, caramel, peppermint, butterscotch, cherry sour, shortcake, candy canes, ice cream, gummy bears, butter tarts, bubble gum and jelly beans! Whoo!" The Jester sang, and some flying monkeys joined him. I held my head, why am I hearing this?!

Dorothy and Wiser are still enjoying themselves. "Oh, it's the sweetest thing! Candy, candy! Makes me wanna sing! Candy, candy!" The Jester sang, before he finished. Wiser, Dorothy and Toto were laying on the ground as I stood with my hand to my head, to try and stop my headache from the Jesters singing.

The three of them burped. "Toto!" Dorothy said as Wiser giggled. "Halt! You are under arrest! You are all under arrest!" A new voice said and I quickly turned around, only to see chocolate men pointing guns at us. "Under arrest?" Dorothy asked confused. "Yes. Sorry to say, you have broken the law." The marshmallow said. 

I quickly joined my sisters side, my wings tucked into my back. "We're being arrested by a giant marshmallow?" Dorothy asked as she got up, and I elbowed her slightly. "Marshal Mallow. Second in command of the garrison at Candy County." Marshal Mallow said. I looked around and I realized the Jester bewitched the signs!

"What did we do?" Dorothy asked nervously as she held onto my arm. "Violation of section eight, paragraph 12 of penal code..." Marshal Mallow said, before Wiser joined in. "16165." Wiser said before he sat up. "Eating candy." Marshal Mallow and I said, I figured out why we were under arrest. 

"But we didn't know." Dorothy tried to defend. "I'm so very sorry, but there is thorough signage." Marshal Mallow said as he gestured to the signs that now said everything about not eating the candy. "They didn't say that before." Dorothy said to me. "Cuff 'em." Marshal Mallow said, as Wiser, Dorothy and I were placed into handcuffs. I had my wings hidden under my jacket.

Wiser sniffed the cuffs. "Mmm, licorice." Wiser said before he was about to take a bite of the cuffs. "Don't even think about eating the restraints." Marshal Mallow said before he looked at the solider holding Toto before he cleared his throat. "And no licking." He said. Toto stopped mid lick. 

"What are you gonna do with us?" I asked, because they had no proof that I ate any of it. "We're taking you to the Candy Courthouse, where you will be tried by Judge Jawbreaker." Marshal Mallow said and Wiser gasped. "The Hanging..." Marshal Mallow began before Wiser finished.
"Judge?" Wiser asked afraid. 

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