Chapter 4

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*3rd POV*

The Jester was in his tower. "What in the Land of Oz is taking so long?" Jester asked, before he heard screeching and he gasped. "Ha-ha! They're here!" Jester said as he saw the flying monkeys carrying the sack that had Scarecrow, Lion and Tinman in it. "Oh, I do so love having important guests." He said as he went down to the main room.

"Distinguished company, welcome." Jester said as the sack was pulled off the three of them. "You always tie your company up?" Scarecrow asked. "As a matter of fact, yes." Jester said, as he showed the puppets of all the rulers. The three of them gasped. "Are those real people?" Lion asked, scared.

"They were real people. But now they're better than real. As puppets, they still act like people...when I want them to. Dance!" He said and all of them came out of their cases and began dancing as music played in the background. "You can't make someone do that against their will." Tinman said, before he and Scarecrow saw Lion dancing to the music slightly.

"Dancing is very personal." Tinman said, before the Tinman got in Scarecrow's face. "Yeah, dancing is very per..." Scarecrow said, before Jester got in his face. "I can make them do whatever I want. I pull the strings! Literally!" The Jester said before he went behind them. "I would rejoice, at the top of my voice! I'd be a true warlock, but I had no choice!" Jester sang his past

"My sister was frightful! And spitefully made me a clown. I shall possess, my one happiness!" Jester sang, as it showed how the Wicked Witch of the West treated him. "The power I covet! And who wouldn't love it! Would you?" Jester sang as it showed his younger self chasing after the broomstick before being blown away.

"Now would you dare try me? And would you deny me, what mine?" Jester sang, before he jumped out of cards. "Well now..." He said. "That's a punch line." Jester sang before three traps popped up. He grabbed Lion's rope before flinging him towards the cage. "I guess you'd have guessed." Jester sang.

He grabbed Tinman's rope next and threw him in a glass box full of water. "A jester must jest." He sang as a lock locked him in it. Jester then grabbed Scarecrow's rope and flung him towards the last trap. "When I laugh alone, it is I who laughs best!" The Jester sang before finishing as the three were trapped in their traps. "And don't worry about your little Izzy, Scarecrow, I'm gonna take really good care of her!" Jester said. "No!" Scarecrow said, worried for Izzy. The Jester laughs manically.

*My POV*

We were following the yellow brick road still. The China Princess was in Dorothy's bag and groaning. Toto whimpered. She peaked out of the bag. "Stop bouncing. You're going to scuff my finish." She said to Dorothy. "I'm just walking." Dorothy said confused. "You're bouncing." The China Princess said in a sing-songy voice. 

"This is very uncomfortable." The Princess said and I groaned. "I hope you're not gonna be like this the whole trip." I said. "I am a Princess! Remember?" She said, before Toto jumped and licked her. "Yuck!" She said as Dorothy and I laugh. She hid in the bag again. 

| Time skip |

We arrived at a bridge, only to see it's broken. "More destruction." I said softly as I flew in between the broken bridge. "Where are we?" The Princess asked. "This is the Munchkin River, your Highness. It leads to Emerald City. Looks like the yellow brick road ends here." Marshal Mallow said. 

"Oh, great. What do we do now?" The Princess asked and I looked around. "Make camp and wait for orders?" Marshal Mallow asked. I got an idea. "We'll build a boat." I said as I landed beside Dorothy. The Princess chuckles. "And what, pray tell, will we, or rather, you, build this boat out of? The owl?" The Princess asked. 

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