Chapter 5

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*My POV*

I groan softly with Dorothy and we sit up slightly. But I gasped in pain and I looked to see that my stomach was impaled with a thing of wood. "Is everyone okay?" Dorothy asked, not seeming to notice my state. Wiser groans. Marshal Mallow got up. "Your all right?" Dorothy asked him. "Yes, ma'am." Marshal Mallow said before he noticed my state as I got up painfully.

"Wiser?" Dorothy asked. "Affirmative." Wiser said. "Izz-?" Dorothy went to ask, but gasped as she saw my stomach impaled. "I-I'm fine." I said as I yanked the wood out. The three of them rushed to me and began bandaging me up. I coughed slightly, but was fine. I leaned against Dorothy for small support and looked around.

"Toto?" Dorothy asked as we bend down to him and pet him. "Tugg?" I asked. "A few splinters." Tugg responded and I looked around. "China Princess?" I asked. "China Princess?" Dorothy asked. "Princess!" Marshal Mallow called out worried. Toto began barking and we walked towards him.

Dorothy and I gasped and covered our mouths at what we saw. "Oh, no." Wiser said softly. Marshal Mallow gasped as we saw her...broken. Marshal Mallow fell to his knees shuddering. "I should have protected her. I neglected my duty." Marshal Mallow said as we all were sad. Dorothy and I walked away, and sat on a rock.

Dorothy began sobbing and I held her and Toto close as I felt the tears as well. I wiped Dorothy's tears away. Dorothy and I knew what we had to do. We began walking to the path. Wiser must have noticed. "Where are you going?" Wiser asked. "We're going to confront the Jester ourselves. I can't let anyone else get hurt." I said sternly.

"We won't let you go alone." Marshal Mallow said. "Don't follow us." Dorothy said sternly. "But we've come this far." Marshal Mallow said. "That's an order!" I said. "Oh!" Marshal Mallow said as he looked at us with Wiser. Toto whines, but we kept on walking. I tucked my wings into my back, getting ready to use them when I need to. Wiser whimpered as we kept walking. 

*3rd POV*

Jester watched as they walked. He grunts and hits the crystal ball. "How? How is it possible they survived? Foiling those stupid monkeys is one thing, but surviving my waterfall trick? I mean that's a good trick!" Jester said, not noticing the leader of the flying monkeys enter. "Positively...humiliating." He said, before he heard something. 

The flying monkey screams as he's found. "Ah! Idiot! This is all your fault! Isabella and Dorothy would be dead by now if it weren't for this abysmal failure. Your abysmal failure, pal. How dare you ruin my perfect record of jesterly awfulness?" Jester asked, as the flying monkey flies in the air. 

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you, you fuzzy evolutionary reject!" Jester said as he shot a spell at the flying monkey, making his wings shrink. "You're grounded! Ready the castle! Roll out the welcome mat for Miss Isabella and Dorothy Gale. They're gonna to get the kind of reception that's to die for." Jester said as he kicked the flying monkey down the stairs of his tower. 

| Back with Marshal Mallow and Wiser |

Marshal Mallow was still looking at the China Princess. Wiser walked up behind him silently. "Is there anything I can do?" Wiser asked. "Yes. Get some help." Marshal Mallow said. "How?" Wiser asked. "Oh, I don't know, smart guy! Figure it out!" Marshal Mallow said before he sighed deeply. Wiser looked down. 

"Forgive me." Marshal Mallow said. Wiser made a determined look and nodded slightly. He walked away a little, and began flapping his wings. He began huffing, and Marshal Mallow watched this play out. Wiser slowly began hovering off the ground. "You're flying. You're flying!" Marshal Mallow said happily. 

"I am? I am!" Wiser said happily. Marshal Mallow watched happily. "I mean...I mean, it's been a long time! Whoa!" Wiser said. "I will find help, but I don't know how long I can stay up." Wiser said. "Believe in yourself, soldier. Izzy and Dorothy's lives depends on it." Marshal Mallow said. "Sir. Yes, sir!" Wiser said as he salutes and flies off. The sun was slowly setting. 

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