Another note!

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Hi! *Cracking up atp*

So here I am yet again with another story! This time, it's inspired from a groupchat conversation on Instagram. It started off with 3 people, but one of them faked their death and they were supposed to be the main character, so I've changed the plot quite a bit from what it originally was going to be.

The update will probably take a while since I'm re-editing about 8 chapters worth of stuff to fit the new plot we have going on. I'm also fixing the choppy writing of perviously mentioned counterpart.
*(Don't misunderstand, I find the whole thing funny. I mean, at fisrt I was kind of legitimately sad about the whole thing, and then we realized it was all fake. Then it became funny and it's been that way since.)*

Anyways, now that I've added a bit of background info behind the drama that this story was a part of, how about we get into the story?

Yours truly, (Yet again)

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