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Finnick was panicking.

What had he I done?

Was this really happening?

Everything happened so fast.

"Finnick?" He hears the kind older woman who introduced herself as mags say

She has grey wavy hair, gentle blue eyes and a soft smile. A smile that comforted Finnick, it reminded him of his mother who had passed away a few years prior.

He does not respond, just simply looked up at her with a twinkling of fear in his eyes, so faint she almost did not catch it.

"If you're so scared why'd you volunteer" he switches his gaze towards the other volunteer from his district, Violet Anderson.

Her fiery red hair and deep emerald eyes didn't intimidate Finnick like all the other kids at his school.

She was a career also, perhaps a little too cocky  to be in finnicks good graces but he didn't wish any harm to her, in fact he was hoping she would die before he had to kill her. If it got to that.

"Would you like some apple juice?" Mags offered, changing the subject with a kind smile before handing him a glass.

Though he did not think he would be able to drink it all without throwing up.

He was scared, yes but he thought he knew what he essentially getting into, this was the moment he had trained years for and still, he had never regretted something more.

He volunteered because he thought it was what he needed to do. Like he wasn't good enough until he fought in The Games.

"Its alright to be scared," she says causing him to look at her again "what you just did is scary"

"How are you going to help us? How do we know you can teach us more than we already know?" he  asked, not as to sound arrogant just genuinely curious.

The academy had already taught them as much as they could. They pretty much covered all the bases, what else is there to learn?

"I'm not going to make you any promises of survival. I cannot predict the future, and once you are in the games there is nothing I can do to help you. But I can try my hardest now to prepare you to the best of my abilities on what to expect. As long as you listen to me and mentally note everything I say, you have a higher chance of getting out of that arena"

she glances at him one last time before taking his untouched glass and placing it on the table

"When do we start?" Violet asks

"Right now," she glances at him "my first piece of advice is getting plenty of rest. Trust me, you will not be sleeping very soundly while you're in the arena"

They both nod at her while walking into their separate rooms.

Finnick walks in, not paying any attention to the decor or the spaciousness of it, instead taking mags words into consideration and heading straight for bed to get some much needed rest.

He had a long few weeks ahead of him.


"Finnick," he hears a knock on the door "time to wake up" mags says quietly

sleepiness plastered on his face as he makes his move to open the door

"How long have I been asleep?"

"12 hours" his eyes widen

"Why didn't you wake me sooner?"

𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐲 - 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 Where stories live. Discover now