[1.02] a friend?

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Odette was reluctant

What would they be like?

Would she get to help dress them?

Why should we dress them up when they are going to die anyway?

The hunger games had always sat uneasy with odette, not only because her mother had instilled it in her head to hate the games but also because of what they stood for.

Sending 24 children into a murder arena was not an honor or a tradition, it is an ugly way of saying 'we hold ultimate power over you'

Odette loved the districts, she had faint memories of district 4, she's never known the reason behind the memories, maybe a trip her mom and her went on when she was younger?

She remembered how beautiful the water was, the crowed markets, the faint smell of fish everywhere they went, it added to the experience.

She wanted to go back, she lived in the capital with her mom, who was the most sought after stylist in the games.

Traveling wasn't really an option in her book because of how high the demand was with her mom, Mel Galloway.

She didn't blame her mom though, she loved her, her mom was her favorite person, she knew if she had a problem she could always count on her mother.

"Ode, are you ready?" Mel called from down the hall of their two bed, one bath penthouse.

"Coming," Odette tied off her French braid finished, combing through her bangs once more before heading to the kitchen where her mom was.

"Are you ready lovey?"

"What are they like?" Odette had never met a tribute before, she watched the reaping but all she saw was a scared boy and a fiery girl, she wanted to know their attributes.

"Children. Like you." Mel responded "treat them like you would any of your other friends, they don't have anyone right now"

Odette was determined to make them feel as safe as possible while they were here, if she was a tribute she would want someone who wasn't blinded by the capitals media to befriend her.

"Come, we are going to the tribute center to meet with them for their outfit fittings, their interviews are in a few days." Mel knew her daughter was the perfect person to make their time at the capital a little more comfortable.

Before she knew it Odette was face to face with a fire haired girl she recognized as Violet Anderson, she was slightly intimidated despite odette being taller.

"Who are you" the girl asks with attitude

"I'm odette, Mel is my mom. I'm shadowing her so I can become a stylist like her." She replies with the friendliest smile she could conjure, even though right now she wanted to sock the girl in the face for being so rude upon their first meeting.

She decided against it, seeing as the ginger probably had enough things she was feeling at the moment.

"Oh. Cool I guess" with that miss priss walks away.

"Shes like that with everyone"

Odette heard a boy say

"She's not very friendly" he smirks "to anyone actually"

"It's fine, I'm sure she has a lot on her plate" odette turns to look at the blonde boy
"You must be Finnick, I'm odette"

"Hi odette" he offers a warm smile

"You have very nice eyes" odette blurts out, not trying to flirt just noticing.

Odette has always been the kind to give a compliment to a stranger no matter who they are.

Finnick smirks once more "thank you"
he clears his throat before looking over at mags "wanna go sit down?" He grins

After a few hours of sitting and conversing Finnick decides to show odette his room which was bigger than his entire house back in district 4

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you volunteer? You seem so frightened on stage at the reaping" odette asks with a soft voice

"I don't really know" Finnick gazes down to his hands that have been tying a short piece of rope he has kept with him since he was young, his mother gave it to him when she first noticed his anxiety. "I guess I felt obligated, I was top of my class at the academy and I was expecting to." He shrugs slowly looking down

"Im sorry the capital treats you the way they do" his eyes start to look back up at her
"You don't deserve this, none of the districts do"

After a beat Finnick turns his head to look at odette.

"Will you do something for me?" Finnick quickly averts his gaze


"Would you not watch the games this year?" his eyes dart back down "I just, I don't think I will make it out and I'd like to now at least one person isn't watching me fight for my life"

"I don't enjoy watching the games, it won't be a hard task to resist watching them this year." She smiled before getting up "I'm going to go check on my mom" with that she leaves

Finnick had finally felt at peace for the first time since arriving at the capital. Odette was different from all the other teenage girls he'd met even in district 5, he just wished he could get to know her for longer before going to the arena.

Then again maybe he did have something to live for, to fight for. Maybe a friend could be his reason.

Alright!!! That was chapter two, the next chapter will be the interviews, most of the first few chapters are just backstory until we get to the goodies which is obviously when Finnick wins his games but rn I want to make sure they that their relationship slow so nothing will happen with them for awhile lol I want to form their friendship first <33

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