Tell Them

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Bob and Bats were arguing about their court hearing to exonerate their friend Malcolm. They asked my opinion. I told them of a brave girl I met a few years back. "She was a civil rights lawyer. I saw her outside the courthouse. She was arguing with someone. She said her father was taken by a powerful man. It took them months to get him back. The guy wasn't traumatized or anything. She asked her father why he going to work. He said that bad guys don't rest, so he won't either. She asked him not to talk about the incident. His response was simple. He is honor bound to speak the truth because that is all he has. Her father taught her this important life lesson when she was a kid. Tell the truth and don't flinch" This inspired the kids to work harder than ever and won fair and square.
My new security team arrived with the Secretary of Defense. I was asleep so Jasmine and Phillips was there to receive them. I woke up at around ten thirty. He was downstairs waiting for me. The new team seemed very friendly. He explained that these were the last of the men Adam personally trained. I sometimes loan him to train military personnel. These were his last cadets. They were very hospitable. I gave them a nod and gave the secretary a file regarding my observation of an officer in the Pentagon. He promised to deal with the person and gave his condolences regarding Hattie and Adam's deaths. I lowered my head in sadness. I missed them every minute of every day.  I wish they were here. They are irreplaceable. But time heals all wounds they say.
When he left the new security team was escorted to the house across the street. This will be their home as long they are employed by me. Phillip promised to run a series of stringent tests to see which one should be my head of security and the others consented to his terms. Since they had heard from Jasmine that he was former military they seemed to trust him more. Jasmine seems extra to them. Her attitude usually drives people up the wall.
Benji arrived and the usual reaction occurred they have a love hate relationship with him. He feels the same way. They remained that way till they understood why he behaves like that. Benji was invited to stay for dinner and he enjoyed my home cooking more than his wife's. I told him not to tell her that. He said she knows that and she is ok. The two of them grew up eating what I made so each meal felt nostalgic.
The team watched as we reminisced on the past and how we used to get into all sorts of trouble. They watched me laugh as Benji talked about Lena's last shopping spree. I prayed to God for patience. He said the same thing and smiled as I laughed out loud. He asked me if I wanted to go on a date. He knew quite a few people who wanted to date me. I told him I will date someone when I feel better. He reminded me that not all men are like Nick and Weird. There are good men out there. They are not looking for arrogant women. They are looking for an honest relationship and that is what I offered. I was hopeful that Charming would stay but unfortunately he decided at the last minute to go back to his Ex. I wonder if there is something wrong with me. Benji growled, "There is nothing wrong with you. You just have been surrounded by idiots. We will find you a husband who will take care of you and not go for your money. You are more than your wealth. Even if you go bankrupt there are people who will take care of you. People appreciate goodness because there are so few that care"
After Benji left one of my security asked me out on a date. He asked me if I was free the next day. He introduced himself as Todd. I politely declined and went upstairs to sleep. My housekeeper was kind enough to remind them that the next floors were off limits to them. He wished me good night and took his post by the stairs.

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