My dark secret

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Diana found out that the man she calls dad is her father's twin. Her father actually killed her mom so he is in jail. I wanted to pretend but I decided that she is old enough to know. I showed her the video and apologized to her for keeping it a secret since I wanted her to have a dad that loved her and dotted on her the way her mother had wanted for her. She didn't say anything till dinner. She sat to apologize for being mad. She remembers how a girl in her class was harassed because her cousin was a serial killer. She understood that I was trying to protect her so she forgave me.

Lena assigned a therapist so that Diana will not be traumatized. The others arrived for moral support. The therapist noticed that I was a little apprehensive so she asked for a few minutes alone with me. She asked me how I was holding up. I just said that the only that changes is the weather. She said that this is a safe space for the both of us. I asked Sembi to take Diana to the kitchen till I was finished. He took the little bundle of joy by her hand and closed the door. I stared the dreaded woman with a notebook and pen.

She asked me pointed questions about how stressful it was to raise Diana. Quite the contrary it was a relief. She was one that was holding me together. I shook from head to toe as I explained my situation, "I was still having nightmares about the day my family was murdered in front of me by a sociopath. I have recently lost a few more people that I loved." I explained the murders of my family and how I am struggling with the overwhelming feelings. How I became emotionally paralyzed so I was unable to function properly. "People around me moved on or had not clue. They deemed me weird or creepy or unloveable. I didn't know where to turn or who to talk to. I felt helpless. That changed when Xavier arrived home from chemotherapy. Xavier was the only one that I was able to talk to. When he died I fell my whole world crash. I had never felt so alone. I had just finished college and my grandma just came back from the hospital. She was given the responsibility of raising our family. She wasn't doing so well so I had to step up. For some unusual reason this was only thing that was stopping me from shutting myself out completely." My vision blurred as tears flowed freely after so long.

I felt a firm hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Sasha. She towered over me with a comforting smile. I didn't know how I ended up on the floor. The others were not so far either. They all had shocked expression when they heard what was going on my life. They hugged me tightly and I just cried. Diana hugged me too. The therapist asked us pointed questions and it felt traumatic talking about it.

When the dreaded woman left the kids wanted to know what was the first funny thing that happened after Xavier's death. I remembered the day Edge tried fix the refrigerator. The fridge started to freeze things while the freezer only chilled things. GG was the one to point it as she pulled out a frozen watermelon. I waved her off saying that someone must have mistakenly left it up there. As we were having dinner Hattie said that water was warmer than the watermelon. Everyone froze for a moment before they burst out laughing. Edge had to cover his face as Sasha made it clear that she is not going to ask him fix anything for her. She has lost faith in his engineering skills. I reminded her that in his defense he was only eleven years old and he had no clue what goes where. He has since served in the Army and his came back with an honorable discharge. But he reminded me that he had brought with him PSTD and depression also

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