Just do it

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I woke up to the kids argue. I wanted to know what was going on. It turns out to a hearing regarding my future. Now there a few men who were interested in me. I heard the pros and cons list. I was amused that they didn't add Phillip to the list of suitors. I walked in and asked them to add him as well. They were in utter shock till Diana confirmed it. His name was added and then things got heated up so Diana and I left to grab a tuna melt. An hour later the kids came to a stale mate.

I walked out to see Tyler and Phillip was talking about what security measures. I sat down to go through the contracts when someone sat next to me. Phillip asked me if he could have the day off because he was asked to find a new apartment. I told him that I had given him a key to the room upstairs which has his name on it. The day I hired him I told him to move his things here. He said he will when he has time. Now is the time for him to move in. I asked me what was he was waiting for. He should get going. He said, "Ma'am yes Ma'am" He stood up promising that he will back in twenty minutes.

Tyler asked me very nice why Phillip is allowed to live here while he can't. I explained that as senior assistants they are supposed to move in with me so that they can help me at a moments notice. The only people allowed to live here are myself, Diana, my housekeeper, my butler, the two assistants and my head of security. I turned around to see Phillip was smiling. I tapped my watch and he ran to get his things. Jasmine walked in she was surprised to see Phillip running. She asked me if he was joining a marathon. I told her that he is finally moving in. She was upset. So I asked for clarification she said she has been telling him to move in with us but he was adamant not to. Now that I have given the orders he has decided to do it. She should have talk to me about it sooner.

True to his words Phillip moved his belongings here within the hour. He fished through his keys till he found the one that went in the keyhole. He looked calm and content. Jasmine called her friend and she had to pay for her friend's spa day in the most expensive spa in New York. I sat down in the study after lunch. Phillip came with a few contracts that have been amended. This was when one of the security teased to Phillip saying if we ever get married I will have to introduce him as my assistant. Phillip looked disheartened by his words so I decided to defend him. I casually said, "I will introduce Phillip as my advisor and confidant if we get married." This seems be inflate Phillip's ego while it disheartened Tyler a little. But neither of them didn't expressed what they felt. Phillip asked me if I needed anything and I asked him to book a table for three dinner at my favorite restaurant. I also asked that he remind Jasmine to call Posh regarding my dress for the Met gala. I asked to call Benson to get the car so I can get Diana from her playdate.

Tyler drove the car while Phillip and I were sitting in the back. Tyler looked like he wanted to say something but it can wait. I explained to Phillip the amendments of the new contracts and asked him to please move the dinner to another date. He happily obliged. He made a few phone calls and got one from Jasmine reminding to get Benson to fix the limo. He promised to remind him as I ran to hug Diana. I carried her inside and she started to talk about what she drew and the colors she used. I asked her if I could stick it in the fridge. She smiled and gave me one. I saw the other painting and I said I want this in my office. She happily gave it me and Phillip promised to have it framed. She smiled like it was her birthday.

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