Hello big brother it's been a while

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I hopped on the plane with my three assistants. Jasmine, Phillip and Declan. The secretary of defense was eyeing me with contempt since I looked like someone that a fashion magazine had spat out. That changed when they discovered a bomb in the presidential car. I was summoned to deal with it. There were a few dozen soldiers who were trying to figure out exactly how to defuse it. When they saw me they were equally confused. When I was done they seemed impressed. I asked the president to make sure that I wasn't harassed to help anyone that is not the president. The president rolled his sleeves and went to work. I wasn't approached by anyone other than the Sec Def himself.

As I took my seat I saw Angie on the phone arguing about her apartment. Not far from her was a familiar face. It is Xavier's twin Xander. He was wearing a suit and a long over coat. He had his head shaved for dramatic effect I suppose. He wore black leather gloves. He had a Para ordnance P14-45 Pistol with a silencer. This is a limited edition and is considered a professional gun as well. He stared at me with an empty expression. I calmly walked up to him, "Hello big brother what have you been up to? Nothing bad I hope." He gave me a polite smile as he replied gently, "Hello Alice. It has been a while." I gave him a shocked look, "Alice! I am Sabrina" His eyebrows shot up as the Sec Def approached me. Jasmine brushed him off reminding him what the president has mentioned. He gave me a once over and stormed off. Jasmine sat down to read the latest magazine. I chuckled, "Never a judge a book by its cover" I turned to see Xander stare at me with total utter shock. "Sabrina. Little quiet Sabrina. How is it possible?" I was about to answer when Declan came with some amended documents. As I was done a young woman approached me saying that the first lady has invited me for lunch.

After lunch I spent a few hours on the phone with the kids. After I was done a soldier stepped forward and saluted me. He smiled as he stated his business. He met me a few years back when he was in a shipwreck. He was on an undercover mission. His boat was destroyed by pirates and I was the one to rescue him from sharks.

The entire time I was on board Xander kept his eye on me. Angie saw me too and she stared at me with sadness. I spend the rest of the day either talking to the assistants or on the phone managing the family company. After which I had to call my entire family. First one I was Diana. Her face was covered in flour. I burst out laughing as she explained that she was making pizza. Sembi came into view with his son. They waved at me and wished me a safe trip. JJ wanted to know when he can have a cool name. I promised to convene a court hearing to decide what name he will be called. Edge pushed Sembi aside to explained that he is getting engaged. I congradulated him and asked him to explain how he met his wife. He gave me a conspiratorial grin and explained that he will tell me when I come back. Dash came to ask if she could borrow my car. I asked which one and she said casually, "It is the one you were almost introduced to the angel of death in." This made Phillip spat out his sandwich and stared with fear. Jasmine started to laugh as she saw the expression on Declan's face. Phillip muttered under breath, "Note to self destroy that vehicle upon landing" I waved Phillip off by reminding him that Edge was driving that day. Edge retorted that he was releasing unnecessary tension to which Phillip reminded him that I could have been killed. Edge stormed off and Sasha came to explain her plans for the next year.

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