Prologue: The beginning of the unfortunate babysitting

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Today everyone was gathered in one place.... 

To hear the good news...and the bad news...

The good news is that Today is the anniversary of our beloved cute OTP, Akashi Seijuro and Kuroko Tetsuya who is currently Akashi Tetsuya. And they'll be going to a trip to Hawaii for their anniversary. Which everyone gives them a jealous reaction and a teasing along the way.  

The Bad news is that they have a child name Seiji, and someone had to babysit him while they're away. The main reason for the gathering. 

Everyone immediately got scared. Should I say, everyone rejected it.  The response is natural as everyone knows what Seiji is like. Seiji was like a replica of his father, Akashi Seijuro. And they know it ever since Seiji was born. Just a single glance of his hair eyes and skin, their 40,000 prayers of hoping the child would be like an angel mother Tetsuya was crushed to bits like it was nothing. They were starting to think God doesn't love them or even hear their prayers that the child came out like his father. 

The worst part was Seiji was more worse and evil than his father. Why you ask? Because Seiji is a spoiled demon brat they hate and feared. Because Seiji is loved by his parents so much, just one word he demands his parents give him everything he wants and protects him like he was royal prince or something. And even one single tear on his face, Seijuro and even Tetsuya won't hesitate to kill anyone who made Seiji upset. That's why the GOM calls Seiji....


Especially when they knew that if they babysit him Seiji would demand and treat his babysitters like slaves and call his parents when they don't do their job well.

That's why they keep refusing and pin others and make excuses so they could not babysit Seiji. And so far no one wants to come forward to babysit Seiji. Until Akashi had enough and decided to choose who will babysit Seiji himself.

"Enough! Aomine, Kise, you take care of Seiji!" Akashi said and that's where the world falls apart on the couple while the others are relieved they aren't chosen. 

"Wha- but I have a job as a pilot so I must go to the airport immediately!" Kise tried to make an excuse. "Yeah! And I have a verrryyyy hard case to solve!" Aomine said in fear. 

"So? then cancel them. you're babysitting him whether you like it or not, and that's final!" Akashi said and that was over for the gathering as the decision is made but not for Aomine and Kise as their worlds fall apart. 

And the other's reassurance did not help them at all.

So now they'll babysit the evil demon prince Seiji for two weeks because Akashi and Kuroko will be away for two weeks. 









Gambatte, Aomine-kun, Kise-kun! 

Aomine and Kise: Gambatte.....*crying*

Seiji: 😈

The Hard Life of Babysitting (Aokise ft. AkaKuro)Where stories live. Discover now