3rd Day: Seiji is an evil manipulator

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No one's Pov: 

The Day Seiji left to school after breakfast, Aomine felt his life is over especially when Seiji got him to paint him with a GORE Bloody scene in his painting. He could feel any moment now, the teacher would call his parents about the painting and this would reach the ears of Akashi and Kuroko. He can even feel the anger of Akashi as he called him and scold him about Seiji's artwork, and the snipping of the scissors from the other end of the line... 

God. Aomine cried hard, he's going to die and he didn't even have a child with Kise yet. As that wasn't enough to lament at his upcoming death, the call arrived and the caller was none other than Akashi Seijuro. Uh oh, he didn't say goodbye yet, but his death has arrived. Aomine gulped in fear, didn't know what to say when he answers. But he prayed he would survive, even though he know he wouldn't. 


"H-Hello?" Aomine stutters in fear as he answer the call. 


Uh, oh. The tone of the voice he called his surname is already danger itself. A sign that there's no explanation or beg of mercy but quickly approaching death. Aomine had to count how many seconds left he had to die. 

"L-look Akashi, I can explain-"

"There's no explanation for what you did Daiki. I already know everything."

Oh God. The harsh lecture and the upcoming death is about to begin. Aomine could cry for not saying last words and couldn't fulfill his wish of making an offspring with Kise before he died. 

"I'm sorry, I-" 

"You had did a great job on helping Seiji for his artwork. Well done!" 

Aomine was stunned. Or more like confused. Did he hear it right? Or was he too afraid that he misheard things?

"I heard from his teacher at the daycare. You helped Seiji make a perfect artwork resulting him to have an A double plus. Well done!" 

Aomine was more confused. Didn't the teacher called him because of his bloody traumatizing artwork? Aren't the kids scared of that? What happened to the teacher's sanity and concern? 

"The teacher says the kids were curious and intrigue by his artwork and told us about his artwork and praised him for it. Me and Kuroko plan to give him a great souvenir once we got home. I'll even be generous to give you a reward for being a great model of being an unfortunate miserable peasant in his painting. Which of course is fitting for you, but when we comeback you'll receive a souvenir from our trip as thank you for helping Seiji. And of course babysitting him as well." 

Then the call hang up leaving Aomine more confused. What part of the horrifying that could traumatize other people painting that Seiji made would deserve an A double plus? And aren't the kids too pure and innocent to be scared by that painting? what is going on?! And does Kuroko even know about this? Aomine had tons of questions in his head that demands to be answered at once. But when he think about Akashi's words, it would make sense that Akashi would be proud of his demon spawn for making a painting of him being a miserable peasant. Since even though he's married to Kise, Akashi still has a deep grudge on him that is like an unremovable stain. Because  Akashi has still never forgot that he and Kuroko used to be lovers in the past but broke up in high school. Though in his defense he's not the only one being targeted by his jealousy, Kagami and Kise are the ones also since in the past they also liked Kuroko. If you think about it, maybe him babysitting Seiji along with Kise is a punishment for both of them for trying to steal Kuroko away from him. And then a sudden thought that Seiji might actually did this because he found out from his father that he once like Kuroko and might did it to punish him for liking his angelic mother?! 

'Wait, calm down', Aomine thought in his mind. He believe that still wouldn't happen so he snapped out of it. Since the matter of the topic he should focus on is about Seiji being an evil manipulator, seducing adults, kids and his own parents with his cuteness. Aomine for once wanted to use his skills as a police officer to bring proof that Akashi Seiji is nothing but an evil devil disguised as a cute angel. In fact, he'd be glad to do it, if only Seiji wasn't a good liar and a two faced brat that could destroy his proof with just single words and tears. 

"Honey!" Kise called as he entered his study. 

"Yes?" Aomine raised his head up. 

"It's time to pick Seiji up or else Akashichii and Kurokochii might call us and scold us for not picking up Seiji on time! And both of them won't hear any excuses!" Kise said with a pale scared face. 

"Y-You're right. I should be going now." Aomine said as he stand up from his desk. After all, Aomine was given a miracle to live despite it unexpected to be free from Akashi's wrath earlier, Aomine refused to waste this chance and be killed because of a simple ignorance of Seiji. Since again, Aomine still has lots of things to do before he died, and one of them is having a child with Kise. 

"I'll be going now." Aomine kissed Kise's forehead before he left. "Good luck!" Kise waved goodbye. And when he says Good luck, it wasn't just a natural goodbye word a wife says to a husband, just a worried word in case something happened to Aomine when taking Seiji home. Because being alone with Seiji, the two would know  there's no smooth life happening in it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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