1st night: Seiji's demands should be first priority

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Aomine's Pov:

It was an exhausting day because that brat Seiji is doing whenever he wants. Doesn't he know who's house he's living here? It's my house and it should be... MY HOUSE, MY RULES. But he's treating it was his house in the first place and that his demands are like first priority over anything. He's lucky he's a child because if he isn't, I would be glad to smack his head with a chair. But he's also lucky that I can't do that because he had Akashi and Tetsu as his side. Damn it. 

I was too exhausted to deal with Seiji so I decided to let Ryouta handle him and relax myself in a couch while watching TV. Hoping NO ONE, IS GONNA COME OUT AND RUIN MY RELAXATION. *cough* I'm talking about that brat Seiji. 

I was just relaxing watching sports show until suddenly the channel changed into a preschool cartoon. And even if I don't turn around, I could know that it was none other than Seiji who did it. 

"Hey! Why did you change the channel? I'm watching here!" 

"So? You're my babysitter. My needs and demands are first priority here!"

This brat! Ugh, I'm so close to ending him!

"What do you think babysitters are?! Slaves?!" 

"Aren't they the same you peasant?! Now leave!

I'm so close to exploding myself in anger and about to beat this brat if he wasn't a 5 year old and Akashi and Tetsu's child. 

"Look, I'm watching here so wait your-"

"Papa he's not letting me watch my favorite show!" Seiji said in the phone. 


Seiji put his phone down and continued watching his favorite show. 

I sighed in exhaustion and decided to go rest in my room. 

In my bedroom with Ryouta, I was about to lay in the bed, close my eyes and sleep and pretend that this is all just a dream, a nightmare that doesn't exist in real life and forget about it, when this brat, a.k.a Seiji hogged our bed like it was his. 

"What the heck?! What are you doing in our bed?!" 

"What huge bed. How dare you hog it yourself while you give me a peasant's bed."

"Seiji get off there, it's not yours!"

"This is my room now you peasant! Go find your own! And don't forget to bring my stuff here in my room!" 

I groaned annoyed. Great, now I can't even sleep peacefully when Seiji hogs our room and think it belongs to him. 

Ryouta found out what happened and we both have to sleep in the guest room with a bed that's too small for us to fit in. Ryouta said that we should sleep in different beds because we couldn't fit which made me groan in annoyance even more. Not only that Seiji hogged our bedroom all to himself and think it belongs to him in the first place, now I couldn't sleep together in the same bed as Ryouta. 


I can't sleep well if Ryouta isn't in my arms tonight and being in the same room as him is not enough for me! 

I hope Akashi and Tetsu comes back, Because I can't survive this misery, for two weeks!



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