WOW S2 - Chapter 10: Think Before You Act

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With the help of Peter Pan's sword, Tecna defeated her nemesis, making the choice to follow her instincts instead of relying on logic. Through defeating Virus, Tecna earned the Onyrix transformation, and now she's stronger than ever. Now, only Aisha is left.

The girls were sitting with Matt.

"You didn't even need my help!" he remarked. "That's amazing!"

"Thanks," Tecna replied. "But it was your idea that I should take the sword and use it to defeat Virus."

"Aw, Tecna. I can't take all the credit. It's all you! You chose to follow your instincts and it worked! You should be proud."

Tecna smiled.

"Seven of us have the Onyrix transformation," Bloom said. "Aisha is the only one left."

"And that means that there is one nemesis left," Musa added.

"Sinka," Electra said in a low voice. "I know my cousin best. I should go to the World of Dreams and talk to Tiger Lily and get her advice on how to defeat Sinka."

"Go for it," Stella encouraged.


A portal opened

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A portal opened. Electra flew into the World of Dreams.


In the World of Dreams, Electra flew over 3 miles of land to find Tiger Lily.

She saw the woman defeating shadow monsters and flew over to help her out.

"Are you Miss Tiger Lily?" she asked.

"Yes, I am," Tiger Lily replied. "You must be Electra, the one who defeated Vendetta."

Electra nodded. "Looks like you might need some help."

"I sure do. These shadow monsters are really getting on my nerves."

"We'll defeat them together."

Tiger Lily and Electra stood back to back.

A shadow monster came to Electra. She looked it in the eyes and shot turquoise energy at it, making it disappear.

Tiger Lily sliced another shadow monster.

"Two more to go!" she said triumphantly.

"Let's wait until they get closer and then attack together," Electra suggested.

"Good strategy."

"I see them. Get ready. One...two...three! NOW!"

The two girls attacked together.

"My, you are quite the patient one!"

"Thanks. Not like my cousin Aisha, though."

"Are you two related?"

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