[ twelve ] snippets of life.

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          "WHEN ARE we going to spar again?" Kazuki's voice cut through the air. Team Misuo was back in action, for this mission anyways. It was a simple one, given their (bitter) genin that was on the team, they were acting as the messengers again. Misuo assured them that it was the last time they would have to, given their experience, but this message was particularly important. They weren't told much more than that.

"Ugh, we can when we get back if you want your butt handed to you again," Natsumi said smugly, the confidence oozing out of her.

Kiyoko giggled cheekily, "that's funny coming from the teams only genin." A vein popped out of Natsumi's forehead and Kiyoko almost regretted her words as the angry girl's fist came flying at her head, the impact causing a large egg to protrude from her head.

"Don't punish my poor Kiyo-chan for speaking the truth," Kazuki scolded, pulling Kiyoko into his embrace as he stroked her head soothingly, the girl looking up at Natsumi through his arm with exaggeratedly teary eyes.

Natsumi brought her furious gaze to Kazuki, "do you want what she had?" she threatened, her fist flaming. Misuo just sighed, a fond smile on his face.

"Kiyoko, Kazuki, don't gang up on Natsumi," he said tiredly, his voice going unheard.

Kiyoko, having enough of Kazuki's embrace started shoving him away which only made him cling on tighter as he baby-talked her. Soon enough, they were wrestling in the dirt (somehow still going in the right direction).

"Enough!" Natsumi yelled, grabbing them both by the collar and yanking them apart. Kiyoko growled at Kazuki, who stuck his tongue out at her and blew a raspberry. Natsumi roughly threw them onto their feet, sending them scathing looks, "hug." She demanded, getting a weird look from the two of them.

"Ew, no way!" Kiyoko refused, her arms forming an 'X'. Kazuki mirrored her, a look of disgust on his face. Natsumi sent them a firm, angry look causing the two to freeze. Muttering their distaste, they shuffled closer and awkwardly wrapped their arms around each other; a large distance between their torsos.

Smiling pleasantly, Natsumi patted their backs approvingly and sent them on their way. A shiver went down Kiyoko's and Kazuki's spine as they sent a pleading look to Misuo, who looked away like he hadn't seen it.

"How are you liking Kiyo-chan's house anyways?" Kazuki asked, now walking next to Natsumi, who peaked up at him.

She hummed, "it's good, it must run in the family for them to be divine cooks because her mother's food is incredible," Natsumi sighed happily, a small amount of drool coming out of her mouth as she thought about the food.

"Maybe I should live there, too," Kazuki said, rubbing his stomach hungrily as it growled at the mere mention of Kiyoko's food, "it would be much better than living in my parents' old apartment, anyways."

"You're welcome to join us, I guess, but I'd have to talk to my mother about it," Kiyoko said, taking the boy seriously, "you'd probably live in a different house than us girls, but its pretty much a step away."

That was true. Unlike most other clans, the Yamada's lived in relatively close quarters before their numbers dwindled. Their houses were clustered together but were kept separate for love of their own privacy; there were just some things that they preferred to be kept behind closed doors.

A blush came across Kazuki's face at her easy-going words. Kiyoko had always been quick to invite people in, whether it was in her home or her heart. It was endearing, and Kazuki hoped that she wouldn't invite the wrong person in. That's what he was there for, he supposed. He would do anything to protect her, from anything and anyone.

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