[ nineteen ] on his special day.

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         GAI WAS SERIOUSLY outside her house. Well, her compound and he wasn't alone. Next to him, dressed semi-casually but masked up, was Kakashi. He stood with one hand lazily in his pocket and another scratching the back of his head as they waited patiently for Kiyoko to meet them. Gai was wearing his usual get up of a entirely green spandex outfit with his matching Jōnin jacket and orange leg warmers, shouting enthusiastically outside Kiyoko's compound walls.

"Ooo my lotus, I have arrived with my expert rival to escort you to my youthful birthday party!" Gai shouted, his voice loud and cheerful. He didn't even need to cup his hands over his mouth, his voice was loud enough that it shook the compound doors.

Kakashi sighed, "do you really have to yell so loud, Gai?"

"Of course, Kakashi! The lovely Kiyoko doesn't reside in the main houses we can see over the walls, but further in the forestry deep in the back!" he announced, making Kakashi raise an eyebrow.

How strange, he thought, that Kiyoko didn't live in the actual homes provided. He wondered what her home looked like, if she even had one because by the sounds of it, she was avoiding her own.

"Telling everyone my secrets, Gai-san?" Kiyoko's amused voice joined the fray as she appeared in front of them. Kakashi couldn't deny that she looked nice out of her shinobi gear, like yesterday. She was wearing a lilac, off-the-shoulder sweater dress with a dark belt wrapped around her waist. Kiyoko wore dark, thigh high boots and wore her hair half up and half down, with two long strands framing her face.

Kakashi had never pegged her as someone who would wear makeup, but he noticed that her lips looked... abnormally shiny, and her eyelids looked darker.

"Of course not, Kiyoko-chan! I know how much you value your privacy!" Gai grinned, slinging an arm around the shorter girl. Kiyoko barely reached Gai's shoulder, who was only 2cm taller than him. Kakashi tilted his head slightly, barely looking at the two as he calculated her height – she would have had to be 5'5ish, or around 166cm tall. He wasn't sure why he did that and shooed the unwanted information from his mind.

Kiyoko laughed lightly, "Oh, Gai-san this is for you!" Kakashi hadn't even noticed the party bag she had in her hands, watching in amusement as Gai snatched it happily from her hands.

Kakashi feigned a groan, "ugh, you should unwrap my gift as well Gai." He said, his out-of-place voice filling the air.

As if just noticing him now, Kiyoko froze in place, subconsciously straightening up at his presence. Sighing under his breath, Kakashi just tossed the bag towards Gai who expertly caught it in excitement.

"My rival and my lotus both giving me a gift! How... how full of youth!" he cried, getting overly emotional.

Kiyoko bit back a laugh and patted his back, "just wait until you open them." She said in amusement, risking a look towards Kakashi, who met her gaze evenly.

"Would you like to unwrap them while we walk? We don't want to be late... again." Kiyoko suggested, with a heavy sigh. She was already beginning to walk off; her ears red as she avoided looking at Gai as he tore open his gifts.

"Oh my...!" Gai exclaimed, holding the nunchakus as if they were the most precious things in the world. He examined them eagerly yet carefully, bringing them up to his eyes as he looked at every millimetre, even going as far as to lick it, smacking his lips together in satisfaction, "titanium...! Engravings...! This is...!" Gai choked up, his aura shining as he gazed at Kiyoko's back with unshed tears.

Gai launched himself at Kiyoko, wrapping his arms around the girl from behind and rubbed his cheek aggressively onto her own as he blubbered incoherently. The man hadn't even opened the rest of Kiyoko's present – much less Kakashi's identical gift.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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