[ seventeen ] first day.

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         KIYOKO STOOD at the entrance of her new team, box of things in her hand, her Rabbit mask on her face, the porcelain feeling like home – or like six months of torture, but what's the difference. She was now a part of Team Ro and only felt a trickle of anxiety in her as she knocked on the door, announcing her presence.

"Ah, the rookie is here!" a feminine voice belonging to a purple haired woman sang out. Kiyoko gave a small smile and bow in greeting, watching the woman's masked face looked at her. She could almost feel the smile from behind it. 

A man with spiky brown hair spared a glance to the door, his Tiger mask securely on his face, "10 minutes early, not bad." Kiyoko didn't know what to make of that.

"Welcome to Team Ro." A familiar voice greeted her, Kiyoko's brows furrowing as she turned to look towards it. The mask of a dog looked back at her, but based on the way his grey hair almost touched the roof, Kiyoko assumed it would be a safe bet to think that was Kakashi.

It left a slightly bitter taste in her mouth. It was like a sick joke, putting him as her commander, especially after her father's death underneath his father's watch, but hey, they did work well together when they were alive so maybe they were trying to replicate the results.

Kiyoko bowed, "hello, my name is Rabbit, please look after me." She said simply, standing up straight and waiting to be directed to her locker. Her ears tinging pink at the purple haired woman adoring look, sparked with a hint of mischief as she brought her hands up to cup her own cheeks, only obscured by the mask.

"Aw, she's so cute!" she cooed, hearts in her eyes, "I'm Cat, that's Tiger and Snake," Cat introduced, pointing to the rest of the team. Tiger was a taller man with spiky brown hair tied into a high ponytail, his eyes void of emotion as he looked at Kiyoko, giving her a small nod in greeting. Snake looked much more serious; his arms crossed as he looked down at her from the tip of the mask, eyes glaring.

"I'm Hound, your captain," Kakashi – no, Hound – spoke, "I understand you're a rookie, but this isn't a rookie team. I expect you to keep up with us no matter what."

Kiyoko knew what he was referring to. Her sides were still tender from the week prior, she had spent a lot of her time in the hospital, getting her injuries healed so she would be in tip top shape for her first day.

"Yes sir," Kiyoko said simply, sharing a nod with him. After a moment passed, Hound gestured to the locker next to where he was standing.

"This is your locker." He said simply, voice still cold and detached. Kiyoko nodded again and walked across the locker room, keeping her head held high as she tried to hide the slight limp she still had from the week prior. Their eyes stayed on her small form, eyeing her hungrily like they were waiting for her to make a mistake and slip up.

As Kiyoko put away what little she had, Hound walked to the furthest wall and stood with his hands behind his back. Kiyoko hadn't seen it before, but he was holding a clip board – probably with their next mission on it. Straight into the fray, Kiyoko supposed.

"We're being sent to eliminate a Jōnin defector, he escaped with important, classified documents detailing key features in Konoha's information network," his icy voice informed, his sharingan piercing through Kiyoko as she shut her locker gently and stood at attention, "the Jōnin, Makoto Hideo, is an S-class shinobi. He is a fire and lightning user. We leave immediately, heading west on my lead."

Kiyoko could still feel his gaze on her despite Hound's mask turning around to feign looking at the team as they adjusted their gear firmly onto their bodies. Sliding her Anbu issued katana into its place on her back, Kiyoko frowned to herself as she rolled her shoulders out, hoping to warm them up.

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