[ five ] shenanigans.

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          WHEN KIYOKO RETURNED from her lengthy mission, Natsumi was freed from her shackles off bed rest. Kazuki had just returned from a short escort mission that remained uneventful and Misuo-sensei had also returned from his abundance of solo missions he was assigned in his genin teams' absence. In recognition of the majority of the teams hard work, the Hokage oh so graciously confined them to the village, doing D-rank missions again. Thanks, Sandaime. Not. 

Their current mission was their toughest one yet. Some rich kid had lost his pet rat, Bingo, and it was up to the overqualified Team 10 to find, capture and deliver the rat back to the brat. Misuo had long since given up on monitoring the three kids and was taking a much-deserved nap on a rooftop nearby, passing jōnin sending strange looks to the sleepy man as they crossed his path on their way.

Kazuki was headfirst in his fifteenth bin, his legs dangling out as he searched for the rat. What kind of self-respecting noble kid had a damn rat as a pet?

"I doubt it would be in a bin, Kazuki-kun," Kiyoko sighed, flopping to the ground tiredly. She had searched over thirty different alleyways, her Rāiton coming in handy in their quick search. She had seen rats, but none of them had a blue ribbon and blue claw-polish on.

Natsumi kicked a can over in her frustration, "this is pointless! We're never going to find this stupid rat!" She raged, stomping around the alley in anger. Kiyoko's jaw dropped and placed a hand on the fiery girl's arm, stopping her mid stomp. A black rat had stumbled out of the bin, a tattered blue ribbon wrapped around its neck.

"What?!" Natsumi snapped, her chin jutted out. Kiyoko just shakily pointed to the rat, the animal seemingly spotting them and somehow understanding their intention as the rat jumped and skedaddled away from them. Natsumi's jaw hit the floor, Kiyoko's arm still on her arm in shock.

Kazuki still had his head in the bin, somewhat stuck, "what? what is it?" his confused voice came, snapping them out of their shock. Kiyoko picked her jaw off the floor, rapidly pointing at the rats escaping figure and at Natsumi in shock, not believing here eyes. 

Natsumi grabbed him from the legs and yanked him out of the can, the boy letting out a confused yelp before his eyes landed on the weirdly manicured blue toenails of the rat as he ran around the corner, Kazuki's jaw also dropping to the floor.

"Quick, diamond formation!" Natsumi shouted, taking the lead as the younger pair quickly fell into step behind her, their eyes ablaze as they chased after the crafty rat through the street.

Kiyoko pointed at the rat in shock as it darted into another alleyway, "is that rat parkouring?!" she exclaimed, watching the rat use the narrow walls of the alley to get onto the roof, the rat jumping between the two walls to get higher.

"Get the net!" Kazuki shouted as they leaped onto the roof, the rat beginning to sweat anxiously as it contemplated which way to go now, before perking up and darting through their legs, jumping onto the adjacent roof.

The three fell over each other in their attempts to grab the rodent, with Kazuki grabbing Kiyoko's ankle (mistaking it for the rat's thick tail) and yanking it, Kiyoko's flailing body making Natsumi face plant on the roof as she tripped over her, Natsumi's stray foot hitting Kazuki in the face and making him fall over too, now joining the pile as the net wrapped fell around them, tangling the three up. 

"Get off!" Kiyoko wheezed as she was crushed underneath her two teammates. Kazuki was seeing three crafty rats flying around his head, now having blue wings that matched the rat's blue ribbon and nails. Natsumi grunted and whacked Kazuki, the boy flying off the pile and sitting up in confusion, the net going with him as he was knocked out of his dizzy state – sort of. His eyes were still swirling as he fought off a concussion.

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