⚠︎┆⚠︎'Don't leave me Anthony...';Chapter 4⚠︎┆⚠︎

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It was a nice quiet day today in the casino nothing much was really going on, Anthony always followed Husk around the casino since he never had anything better to do.. Anthony was considered as Husk's arm candy for all that he knows. Rumors spread as some thought that Anthony would be Husk's Husband he had kept a secret for a long time. But those were all rumors.

The Vees had heard about these rumors about Husk and Anthony but it was just a matter of time that they would try and kidnap Anthony... They wanted the overlord to suffer deeply as they were angst him for no apparent reason they just had wanted his money..

The taller one never left the shorter one as they kept walking around the casino checking on customers..well at least that's what the shorter one did..The taller one wore the thing he had worn yesterday..The taller one had started to realize that every time that the shorter one had looked back at him his pupils were dilated like he was on some catnip.. it was only weird to the shorter one, as for the taller one he saw it as cute.

He thought it was nice to walk around with the shorter one as he had an idea on what they might do later but he wouldn't wanna say anything nor try and change what was actually gonna go on today...The casino was just filled with chatter and the lazy jazz music like yesterday is was nice and all until the Vees came in.. Husk had felt himself feel frustrated as he hated the Vees for what they do.

- ¿' What do you want ? '- asked the shorter one as the taller ones wings on his head slouched back ever so slightly... along with huskers ears pinned down growling at the three.. He was definitely pissed with the Vees along with the other things they had tried to do to him like make him suffer the worst pain as they had tried to steal from him before...

- ' We just wanted to bet on your little arm candy~'- said Valentino....The taller one didn't like any of the Three as they would look like they would do anything to him..In this hell hole Anything could happen..expect climbing the ladder to the gates that was clearly impossible for the people here... - 'I don't think you'll be leaving with anything but yourselves so get the FUCK OUT NOW'- The shorter one was filled with rage as the Vees were filled with satisfaction as for seeing the gambling overlord rage...

Anthony stepped in front of Husk with an Angelic spear.. this wasn't the safest option for them as he was just a fallen Angel going to fight three fucking overlords..He pointed the spear at them ready to fight as Valentino tried to control the taller one with smoke but he quickly swatted it away as he saw right through his flaming red eyes what he planned. He stabbed Valentino through his neck as the moth struggle to breath grabbing the taller one by his throat as his head got hit angst the bay along with his spear now held by the moth.. As for Husk he charged at Valentino causing a whole fight to be caused.

But it was cut off short as Husk's workers had seen what happened as Valentino was right below Husk injured badly  by him.. The shorter one knew he couldn't continue as the taller one was gonna black out at any second but he wouldn't let Valentino go that easily ripping him..He didn't care if the blood was all over his Tux as he had returned into his regular form tired from exhaustion from fighting the one and only Valentino he hated him more than the rest of the Vees.

The Vees as fled as Vox had carried Valentino in a gay way in his arms as they had all fled by now leaving the Casino in a huge shock of what in the world had just happened.. Husk went insane just to fight Valentino as he had so much hatred angst him but he almost had forgotten about poor Anthony was trying to collect himself from the ground his body aching and trembling.. as blood came from all around his body head to toe he knew he couldn't stay with his eyes open for that long.. He felt the shorter ones soft paws cup his cheeks as blood stained it.. - ' ¡ ANTHONY ! ' - the shorter one called..

His vision started to get blurry as his breath started to slow down as his body stopped trembling with little movement..it felt like he couldn't do anything but close his eyes..He couldn't as his eyes slowly closed as he felt himself being carried in soft paws again... then his mind drifted into the meaningless void ass he felt..Nothing..

The shorter one had carried the taller one ever so fast and careful .. he was damn well worried about the taller one for how he is weak his body ached as he felt the taller ones breathe slow down.. 'Don't leave me Anthony.. ' he didn't want to lose the taller one after all they had went through together it was special for him as he never felt this close to a soul apparently... Tears had filled his dark eyes..

He knew the taller one could've died he could move prevented this whole thing from happening if he had been such a fucking pussy earlier to fight Valentino he knew deep down that it was HIS fault for the taller one injured he should've not continued on beating the fuck out of Valentino on what he had done to him..he felt the worst at what cost?... He feared of losing Anthony.. Their talk, the moments they had shared and the time they had went out together Anthony was no really special to him besides him just being his Candyarm... He felt the need to mumble something but he held it back as he started pacing around the hospital room until he finally allowed in...


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