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The man couldn't stop running, he knew the thing behind him was gonna kill him. He prayed and prayed so much as he could but he knew there was no hope. The strengthens wanted him dead. He ran into an alleyway, brick walls on his left and right side, and a decent looking dumpster as he was sprinting. Although it was pretty obvious, sooner or later he would hit a dead end.

He looked for any sort of exit up, down, left, and even right, there was nowhere to go, and the walls were too smooth and tall for him to climb, it was as if he was led here on purpose. He turned and faced his possibly final enemy.

    "Yo." The impending doom said. He looked like that sort of person you would see that had nothing much to do in his life. Nothing like someone that was sent to eliminate you. The impending doom had cool brown hair that women would fall in love with. His clothes were open and revealing his six pack. He wore shorts that would match well with the button shirt he was wearing.

"What do you want?" The victim said. His words were tense, he knew the assassin would strike whenever he pleased. He first tries to let your guard down then goes for the kill. So he's not ever gonna let it down.

"The strengthens want you to, you know," He made a sign with his finger running through his neck.

"Or if you know if you'd rather use American Sign Language." He made the sign language for Kill with his hands.

He chuckled. "Pretty handy right?"

"If you want me to go back to hell then you'll have to go through me." The victim pulled out his weapon. A thin dagger.

The assassin sighed. "Do we have to do this?" He already killed people who reacted the same as this how this victim dealt with this so many times. He doesn't want to do it again. Sure at the beginning it was exciting, but now there's no point. Sadly, the victim already knew he was going to lose, but he'd rather die fighting. He marched forward and slashed at the assassin. The assassin sidestepped.

"It's always the same attack like everyone else. Look, can I just stab you already, I'm getting bored." He continued to dodge and swerve and after enough strikes the man eventually stopped to catch his breath. At that moment though, the assassin decides to stab him. The victim staggered back holding onto his stabbed wound. The assassin yawned.

"They will stop you, they've got the prophecy." The victim's voice said in a fast-breathed tone. As if he was dying (Well because he was). "I made it, I know it'll come true one day."

The assassin stared at him flabbergasted, then he started to laugh so hard he was staggering just like the man. He laughed so much he almost fell. "Oh yeah! Oh man haha, hold up," He started howling some more, "BRO OH MY GOD, I REMEMBER THAT OH MAN! I SHOULD STOP BUT REMEMBERING THAT IS SO FUNNY! Okay... deep... breaths..." He took deep breaths for around a few seconds and got back to the point. "That's good technically. That prophecy you made, well it was delivered to me and since you know, the prophecy is about yours truly, I changed it however I wanted to. Obviously I didn't want the prophecy to go that way so I decided to cut some parts out. Well, actually half of it since it involved me. So when they hear about it, I'll be so glad to see how they react. Lucky enough, a strengthen decided for me to kill you!" He had a smug expression on his face, enjoying how smoothly his plan was going, and how smooth the rest of it was going to be.

"No..." The victim muttered. This couldn't have happened, who would decide to give it to the main part of the prophecy. Someone will find out, they have to.

"Well, yeah fate always does, but here's the thing." The assassin said. He stepped forward and put his mouth next to his ear and whispered, "I AM fate." As he stabbed him again in the same wound

"They...will...know..." He breathlessly said as blood gushed out from his gut. Organs spewed onto the floor and he fell to the ground

"Sorry, not sorry." He said to the victim.

The impending doom walked away from the dying corpse. As he was walking his clothes each step his clothes changed to a man getting ready for a business meeting. He murmured something about how tight his suit was.

"MEANICEE... " A deep dark voice said. The ground crumbled, but Meanicee ignored it all. Well except for the voice part.

"Yes?" he answered nonchalantly.

"You have succeeded us, yet again" The voice said as if he was hoping for Meanicee to fail.

"You gotta admit that was pretty freaking awesome." Meanicee said. The ground shook and cracks began to form one by one. Dark ooze began to arise from those cracks and went to Meanicee with a stab. He winced but besides that, he didn't feel anything else. He began to rise just a few inches above the ground. The small sunlight peeking from the alleyway changed to blue gas and with a beep so loud and so fast. Everything went back to normal. Meanicee looked at his hands and performed what he was rewarded with, the strength of water. Three were remaining, the strength of earth monsters, sea monsters, and air monsters.

"Nice." Meanicee said as he began to control the water, soon he would be even better than the strengthen of the sea, but he didn't seem pleased, in fact something was missing.

"Just a momento?". The ground shook and it sorta looked like it was symbolizing it was caught.

"What do you want now, Meanicee?" It grumbled praying Meanicee wasn't thinking as he thought he was thinking

"You didn't chant any of the omega words you know, where this is permanently mine." He said. The presence didn't talk for a while as if he was trying to avoid the conversation.

"You aren't talking, 'lord almighty' or should I say Watara, Strengthen of Water." He put air quotes in the words lord almighty. The presence made a sort of sound that sounded like a sigh.

"I thought you were going to forget that." It pouted.

He chuckled. " Now why would I," He placed his hand open in the air. "Gimme."

The ground shook even more vigorously, but Meanicee didn't seem to budge.

"Man, the strengthens were right. You are a pain." He muttered.

"I AM NOT, I'LL SHOW THEM I'M NICE!" It started chanting and chanting, the place darkened, and it said the usual.

You have used this strength for only the strengthens will and quests.

But the rules are done

You will use however you want

Our consent for your request has been accepted.

Then the place brightened and looked as if nothing ever happened. The cracks were filled and his strengthen of the sea was permanent.

Rise with(out) Strengthens: The Glove of FutureWhere stories live. Discover now