.Part 7.

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Chapter seven

We made our way out of the  the house and into the street, trying to hide from the shadows.

We all duck behind a parked truck as Ghost attempts to unlock the door. He elbows the window, shattering it and allowing him to unlock the door from the inside.
Soap jumps into the passenger seat while the rest of us duck into the back.
Ghost ducks down and starts working on the wires under the center console, manually starting the vehicle.
Bright lights suddenly turn on behind us, and I squint.
"Are those cars...?" I ask, as I hear the engines of the other vehicles start up.

"Those are shadows..." I say quietly.

"Ghost hurry the hell up!" I yell, as the other vehicles begin to close in.
He ignores me.
"Ghost!" I yell again.
He stops what he's doing and glares at me.
"Do you want to do it yourself, Cortez?"
"Are you sure? because you sure the hell act like it—bloody hell."
I groan.
Price cuts in, sounding stern. "Stop the bickering, you two!"

The car starts up and he jumps in. We begin racing away quickly , trying to lose them.

They stay on our tail, following us from behind.
We all grab our guns and start firing at them, aiming to hit their vehicles or their tires.

"Hold on!" Ghost says making a sharp turn.
The trucks still follow behind, I grab my sniper and shoot one of the drivers. Soap and Gaz start shooting at the tires.

We eventually lose them as we make our way to the airport.


We stand a few feet away from the main entrance of the airport, staying hidden in the shadows.
I look through my night goggles, scoping out the perimeter. I whisper, "Three shadows, twelve o'clock," and pass the goggles to Price, who takes a look as well.
"Soap, take 'em out,' he whispers.
Soap takes out his rifle and aims at the shadows, firing shots.
We quietly make our way down, slowly walking towards the entrance while holding our guns tight.

The airport is quiet, evacuated from the recent events. People's luggage and items still lie scattered on the ground like we're somehow stuck in time.
We eventually find a safe space to hide out, and find a little corner in the terminal to rest for the night.


I find a little spot in the corner, making a sort of bed for myself despite the fact that it's not very comfortable. I sit up against the wall and lean back.

Ghost walks over to me, handing me a flask.
"Here, you look like shit." he says.

"Ah, thanks for your kind words." I roll my eyes and take the flask from him, taking a sip.

He sits next to me, "You did good back there," he says.

I gasp and let out a sarcastic laugh. "Is the marvelous Ghost suddenly being nice for once?" I tease.
"But thanks for telling me something I already know," I add taking another sip.

Ghost rolls his eyes.
"Shut the hell up," he grumps.

I look over at him, smiling slightly. "Hey, Ghost,"
"Why do you wear a mask?" I ask, "Are you ugly or somethin?"
"Quite the opposite," he replies, smirking slightly behind the mask.

"Sure, for all I know you have a burnt face, like a serial killer ." I laugh, nudging him as well.

He chuckles back and looks down, avoiding my gaze.

Gaz and Soap look over at us, amused.
Soap takes a sip of his flask and says, "Looks like they're finally getting along."

Gaz shrugs. "Like, as if that'll even last, I give it a week tops."

Price leans over, adding, "Yeah, they'll probably end up killing each other soon enough."


"You guys should get some shut eye," Price says, looking at us.
"I'll take night watch," I recommend, as I lean back against the wall.

"Nah you needa sleep rook, don't want ya' dying out there." Soap interjects. "I'll do it."
"I'll join you."Gaz says.

"Alright don't let us get killed, yall" I tease, as I lean back against the wall and close my eyes.

Soap rolls his eyes and grins, while Gaz snickers.


Sorry for delaying this chapttt OMGGG NO BCUS SM STUFF HAS BEEN HAPPENING AT SCHOOL HELP anyways don't forget to voteeee plssss 😞

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