.Hand picked.

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Playlist for this chapter
Deceptacon—Le Tigre
Breakin' dishes—Rihanna
Bad girls—M.I.A

Chapter two

Monday came along fast. Which meant today was the day that I had to prove my worth. Not like it mattered - if they didn't think I was good enough, what did it matter? "Y/n" are you ready?"
A girl bursts into my  room without knocking.
I throw a pillow at the doorway. "Ellise, I told you to knock!"
"Dude, we live on an army base - there's no privacy whatsoever. Get over it," she replies with an eye roll.
I flip her off.
We make our way outside to join the others.
"So who do you think the special person is?" She asks, circling me.

"Have no clue, but whoever it is, they have high expectations of us, so..." I say as you walk in between members of the crowd.

"Why are you so fucking uptight, whatsup?" she asks, looking at me worriedly.
"N–nothing just..nervous?"
"Don't be, you'll do fine. Just try not to kill anyone." she says, teasingly.
"Seriously? You think that's gonna help me" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes at her and her words of "wisdom".
We make our way over to our positions in formation, standing shoulder-to-shoulder.
The General walks out and introduces the guest to us.
"Please welcome Chief Laswell" we clap. "She will be spectating you all." He says. "Hello everyone, it is my honor to be here with you all."
"Like General Shepherd said I'll be spectating with your training, wellness etc-" she says.
" Just pretend I'm not even here" We all laugh. "Alright let's get to it" Shepard says. We make our way over to the training grounds.

I watch Ellise racing against time to climb up to the rope. To be honest, I don't really know why a girl like her is even here. She's the typical definition of a "bubbly petite pretty girl" who doesn't really fit the "Army" look.
Ellise  dings the bell and lets out a yell of victory at the top. Chief Laswell gives her a few glances and writes down some notes in her notebook.

"You saw that right?". Ellise walks towards me smiling. "Yea yea, you did good or whatever" I say rolling my eyes. "Oh cmon I'd like to see you do that under 30 seconds". She punches my arm and we both laugh. We both notice a guy eyeing us. "Isn't he going to compete with you in the arena?" She asks. "Yea- he thinks by him glaring at us is going to make me scared of him but it's whatever. I'm gonna beat the fuck out of his ass" I say mean mugging him. " See that's the spirit" she says nudging me.

"Actually I think I gotta go, the fight starts in like 5" I say walking away from her slowly. "Alright remember, never back down never what?" She asks. I roll your eyes. "NEVER WHAT?!" She asks again louder. "NEVER GIVE UP!" I yell. "Thatta girl, go get em tiger!"

I get ready. I change into my shirt and pants.
I sit on the bench and close my  eyes and just breathe. In and out. 
I walk out onto the pavement to be crowded by yelling people. The other component stands in front of me.
He gives a cocky smirk. I cross your arms.
"May the best win."

And Start.

Punching,throwing on the floor, cuts,bruises.
Ellise was chanting my name and hyping you up. Then there was the chief. Writing in her notebook, no expression whatsoever. It was like she was judging us, who was going to come out alive? Right now I was hanging on by a thread but kept pushing. I ended up pinning him and with a tightening grip around his throat.
He was fighting back but eventually he couldn't. There was rage in her eyes.
Everyone else saw a component being strangled but she saw her father.
General Shepherd pulls me back from ontop of the guy. He sat up coughing and gave me nasty looks. The noises around were muffled as I  sat witnessing everything around me.

A few hours later after everyone was settled down , I stood outside the Generals door.
"Come in" he says. I walk in to Laswell and Shepherd.

"Look I'm sorry do what I did, I have no excuse-"
"I understand if your kicking me off the base-"
I say looking down at the floor. "Save it Cortez" he says smoking a cigarette. "That's not why I called you in here" he says sternly. "Laswell has some things to discuss with you."

"Thank you shep, I'll take it from here." Laswell says looking up at me. "I saw your progress and determination and how much you push yourself out there. and I'm just going to  keep this short for you." she hands me a yellow folder.
"If you tell anyone about this there will be consequences." she says sternly. "I'll see you on the field soldier." She walks out the room.
I look at the folder cover that reads.

Task Force 141

"KILLSHOT" Ghost x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now