She'll live-

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Playlist for this chapter
Earned it- The Weeknd


I remove my gear and shirt slowly, trying to be careful not to add too much stress to my injury, but the pain persists.
Ghost takes out the medical equipment he needs, needle, thread, and tweezers.
He gently takes my shirt and wraps it around  my arm, then pulls it tight to secure it in place.

"Stay still." he says.

He uses the sweezers to try to take the bullet out.
"This your first time getting shot?" he asks.
I nod. "I mean I kinda got shot while I was training it nearly missed me but I still felt it, hurt like hell." I say looking at what he's doing.

I bite my lip and grimace with the pain, keeping my face turned away from him as he digs into my wound.
"Stop moving."
"Damn..." I let out a soft groan as he grips my arm.
I feel relief as he manages to take out the bullet
I then notice Ghost's sleeve falling down, revealing the bullet hole on his wrist.
"You got shot too...?" I ask.
"Like I said, it's nothing-"
"That's not nothing-"

"Let me see-.." He finishes my arm up and ignores me. He wraps my shoulder with a bandage.


I stand up and quickly roll up his sleeve, exposing the wound.
"Let me help...please?" I ask gently, reaching to take his arm and hold it still.
He remains silent and still, allowing me to grab hold of his arm.
"The tables have turned, huh?" I tease with a small grin, trying to lighten the mood.
He still doesn't respond, simply clenching his first tight and balling it up, clearly in pain as I attempt to extract the bullet with the tweezers.
I look up at him.
"What?" he asks.

I continue, slowly working the tweezers to remove the bullet, but I can't stop myself from occasionally glancing back up at Ghost, and I notice him also staring at me, his large figure towering over me.
I chuckle softly and say, "You have a serious staring problem."
"You're staring at me too, so it's even." He says.

   I finish up the stitching and let out a relieved breath as the bullet is finally removed.
"Alright...done." I say sounding satisfied.
We stand in a close proximity, our bodies practically brushed up against each other, but neither of us acknowledges that fact.

"Thanks for this-" he says.
"It's nothing, I mean you helped me so I had to do something in return."I respond
We look at each other with desperation written all over our faces.

He inches his way up my body exploring all my curves. He pulls up his mask up to his nose revealing his mouth. He had full lips and scruff on his chin.
His face didn't look how I imagined even if it was just his lower portion.
"Didn't know you had a  mouth-" I tease.
"You don't know when to shut up do you?-" he quickly says before gripping my waist and kissing me.

I feel my breath quickening as we press against each other, the tension between us becoming more intense. We both give into our desires, with our arms wrapped around each other, our tongues exploring each other's mouths and barely having time to take breaths as we become lost in one another.

We stumble onto the bed and my hands make their way up his shirt while hands explore his chest. He makes his way to my neck , our bodies pressing against each others. He accidentally adds pressure to my wound.
I wince.
"Do you want me to stop?" he says looking at me.
", don't stop." I say breathing heavy.

My body shudders with every kiss he gives my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I can feel himself becoming more emboldened with every slow deliberate kiss, and I watch as he moves his hand down my thigh, his touch sending a wave of excitement rushing through me.
I inhale sharply as he reaches my pants and looks up at me. "Wait..." I say, my voice panting lightly.

He unbuckles my pants and pulls them down.
He touches my wet entrance through my underwear. He puts my legs over his shoulders and kisses my inner thighs. I moan with every tender kiss.
  I lean my head back.
He moves my underwear out of the way before sliding his fingers in.
   He puts them in deeper, eventually moving them faster I couldn't contain how loud I was.

The radio turns on.
The sudden voice from the radio snaps me out of my daze slightly, and I hear Price on the other end, asking for a response.
"Shit..." Ghost says under his breath, and I begin to protest his leaving, but he shuts me up by placing his hand over my mouth and continuing to respond to Price's call.
"Stay quiet-" he says.

I can barely focus on the conversation as Ghost's frantic movements are completely distracting me, and the hand over my mouth muffles my moans, only making them grow louder as my body begins to shiver.

"Yea agreed.-" Ghost responds to Price, still focusing on the conversation.
I let out a sharp gasp as his fingers begin to move more rapidly, causing my body to cramp up slightly and causing me to squirm.

His hand grips my mouth more tightly as my moans grow louder, sending shivers throughout my entire body in the process.

"Heard y/n got shot is she alright?" Price asks.
I look at him with teary eyes.
Ghost looks up at me. "Yea, I think she'll live."

"KILLSHOT" Ghost x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now