II) The Songs

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In a couple days time I was done with my first song, all the lyrics spilled out my brain onto the paper easily, it was strange.

The next couple days I wrote more and more songs, many, many more. I was back in New York and I spent everyday writing, and also maybe stalking all blonde-haired grey-eyed girls off the internet, but none of them were her.

It was now only a week until my first mini concert, where I perform a couple of my older songs and one of my new one.

Today was the day I had to meet the rest of the cast for the movie, 'The Changed'.
I wasn't too excited but I had to show appreciation or people will think I'm an ass.

At least Piper will be there, I thought

I got in the limo trying to get the paparazzi out of my hair. We drove to a school that they rented out to use for the movie.

We walked in and the director, Chiron, introduced me to everyone. I looked around to see a couple familiar actors and actresses.

"Everyone, this is Percy Jackson, he will be playing the main lead, Micah Skyler, in this movie." Chiron said and everyone clapped making me feel a little embarrassed."This is Jason grace, he will be playing Micah's friend, Tom Londer. This is Piper McLean, she will play Micah's love interest, Zoe Laverne."

Chiron introduced the rest of the cast like, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Luke Castellan, and Leo Valdez.

"Hey." I said walking over to Piper.

"Percy.. " she said slowly looking up. "Jason's your cousin right? Please help me talk to him."

"Your love interest is right here." I said placing a hand to my heart in mock hurt.

"Oh, shut up." She said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll help, I'm a great wingman."

"Your eyes." She said staring at me.

"Huh, what's wrong with my eyes?" I asked confused.

"Why're they brown?"

"Huh, ohh," I said slowly picking at the contacts.

"There he is," Piper said pointing finger guns at me. "That's the Percy I know."

I had to wear a disguise every time I left my house in order to try not to drag attention to me.

Jason was my cousin, I didn't really meet him much since his parents divorced. Thalia, Jason's sister, stayed with her dad, Zeus, my boss, while Jason, stayed with his mom, Beryl Grace. Since I would see Thalia a lot because eof work, we were a lot more close than I was with Jason. Hopefully this experience can change that.

"Ok everyone, we will be checking the chemistry between the couples." The assistant director yelled.

"I guess that's our cue." I said calmly.
"Yeah," Piper muttered.
"Oh, come on Pipes, being my love interest is such a big privilege. So many girls would die to be you right now." I said elbowing her shoulder, with a grin plastered on my face.
"Oh, shut up, your ego is so big, how do you even balance properly?"
I just pouted, holding my heart once more. "Rude." I joked.

"Frank, Hazel, your up first. So Frank, your playing the bully, Seth Keln and Hazel, you'll be the one to change Seth so he becomes a better person, you'll be playing Angela Dolm."

"Ok action!"

"Why do you hate me so much?"
"Why do I hate you? Are you seriously asking me that? You bully kids half your size, your pathetic!"
"I said I stopped!" Seth said, a tear building in his eye, "I've changed, why can't you see that change?"
"I thought I saw something in you, but no."
"Angela, please,"
"No, you- you, your the reason my brother suicided, your the reason he- h-"
She said, tears rolling down her eyes. Seth tried to pull her into a hug but she pushed him away, "I can't even look at you." She spat.
"Angela please-"
"No, leave me alone."
"But I love you!"
"Seth, leave."

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