XIV) The Sister

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"Hi." I waved at Grover.

He looked at me, then Annabeth, then Anna, then Percy(4), "He's the guy in the photos?" He asked.

"Yep." Percy(4) said.

We removed our hoods and Grover watched in shock.

"And he's not related to you in any way?!"

"Not at all." Percy(4) chirped.

Annabeth helped pat down my hair since it was sticking out because of the hoodie.

"And these two are dating?" He asked looking at us.

"Yeah so it's all just a misunderstanding."

"I'll get the cameras ready." He rushed off.

We sat in Grover's office since Percy(4) told us to get comfortable.

"Well, I'm glad we could clear this up quickly."

"Yeah." Annabeth said her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her and smiled.

Frank, Hazel, Piper and Calypso had to go since they had plans. The rest of us talked.

"So you're gonna leave once you get the other ring?" Tyson asked.

"Yeah." I told him.

"Will you visit?" Leo asked.


"Are we invited to the wedding?" Jason asked.


"Okay guys, the crews ready." Grover said and we made our way to a lounge.

"Okay everyone, we go live in a minute!" A guy with headphones yelled.

The 4 of us sat on the couch, Tyson, Nico, Leo and Jason stood behind the camera men, talking to each other.

"Cool watch." I told Percy(4).

"Oh thanks, Tyson actually made it for me."

"I know."

"Where's yours?"

"I.. uh.. uhh." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"He threw it at a monster." Annabeth spoke for me.

"Uhhmmm, you did what now."

"How is that even supposed to work?" Anna asked.

"Well, it turns into a shield." I told them.

"A shield!" Percy(4) said standing up. "And you threw it all Captain America style?!"

I nodded, "It was quite cool."

"Okay, settle down, were going live in.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.." one of the guys said.

"So.. I know we just recently had a live discussing the um.. dating scandal." Percy(4) said looking at the camera.

The comments were going so quickly I wouldn't be able to catch a word even if I didn't have dyslexia.

"The rumors are still not true but I found out why the rumors started in the first place." He said gesturing over to Annabeth and me.

"Hello, I'm Tom."

"And I'm Ciara."

I raised an eyebrow and smirked, Ciara.

"Well, these two are the couple that were plastered all over the news." Percy said "They just look like me and Annabeth, they aren't really us!"

I put an arm around Annabeth and subconsciously twirled her hair with my fingers. I rested my chin on her head and zoned out.

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