XI) The Crew

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I stood in the lobby, my headphones were in and I wore contacts and glasses since Tyson said it worked for Clark Kent.

My music was interrupted by someone removing my earphones and screaming into my ears.

"Ahh, what the Fuck!"

"That's what you get for now telling me." Piper said, I saw the others behind her.

"Shit McLean," I know she hates that name, "I can't hear!" I whined.

"Well, don't just stand there."

"Oh yeah cause my eardrums weren't just exploded."

Piper rolled her eyes, "Oh quit being a baby."

"I'm not being a baby." I pouted.

Leo swung an arm around my shoulder, "Come on lover boy, let's go."

We headed in the direction of the elevator.

"Okay, disclaimer, don't freak out."

"What? Is she pregnant already?" Leo asked smugly.

I blushed, "No, gods, no, we're not even dating."

Hazel and Frank blushed looking down.

"So the rumors-" Jason said.

"They're not true."

"What are you doing at her hotel then?" Piper asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's a long story."

"We've got time." Nico said raising an eyebrow.

"We'll explain."

"What's going on?" Frank asked after his blush disappeared.

"Why should we be surprised?" Hazel asked.

"You'll see."

"Dude, you're making things worse by letting my imagination run." Leo told me.

"Just chill for like 3 minutes."

"Ugh whatever."

"Anyways, Jason, you're dating Piper?" I asked and the pair blushed.

"We- we're just going out to eat later." Piper muttered.

"Sure." I said raising an eyebrow.

"They're sooo dating." Leo winked at them.

Their blush got more and more red.

Jason cleared his throat, "Oh, look, we're here." He said trying to divert the attention.

"Right, so guys, please, don't freak out." I told them as we stood outside the door. "I mean it, don't scream."

"Why would we scream?" Nico asked.

I opened the door and rushed the crew in.


"Thank gods." Someone said before I was hugged.

I was surprised by the act, my vision was blocked by blonde curls which I assumed was Annabeth's.

Percy stood as surprised as I was.

What's going on, I mouthed him silently.

He just shrugged.

Then I looked around the room, there were rings everywhere and 3 other people sitting on the couch, frozen.

Annabeth pulled back and smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Piper, you must be Annabeth."

"Oh, I don't know you here?" She asked looking at Percy. He nodded.

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