X) Actually, What The Fuck!

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I'm a day late but RIP moon! Your death was startling and abrupt, you had so much more to live for. I can't believe it's been a year, it felt like just months ago I was told of your death.


I woke up dreading what was to come.
Maybe I don't have to go?

Though I didn't want to go, my curiosity pushed on.

After laying in bed wondering what I'll even say I got up and brushed my teeth and took a really quick shower.

I grabbed a toast, making sure not to burn it his time.

I made my way to the door and stopped, my nerves kicked in and I felt frozen in place.

I didn't understand why I was like this, I was just going to ask him about the recordings, that's it.

I kept contemplating whether I should go or not.

"He's probably still asleep." I muttered aloud. It was 7 in the morning and I don't really dub Percy as a morning person.

I knew that I was making excuses but I stood in front of the door trying to open it.


I sat at the dining table eating blue cookies, yes, my breakfast were cookies, fight me.


"Oh my god what!" I jumped back, dropping my cookie.

"I got it!" Tyson yelled, holding up his laptop.

"Got what?!"

"The address!"

I looked at him in confusion for a second, then realisation hit me.

"Ohhh, where is it?" I asked picking my cookie up.

"A hotel."

"How far is it?"

"10 minutes away?"

"Okay, I'll eat my cookie then we can go."

"You're not gonna.. um.. change?"

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

Fyi, I was wearing a black shirt and a pair of grey jeans.

"Umm, you know what? Nevermind."

He walked back into his room as I ate my cookie.

I checked my phone, it was 7.

Yeah, I'm not normally a morning person but the second I heard the oven ding with fresh cookies I was awake.

"Ready?" Tyson asked as he threw on a hoodie.

"Ready." I said opening the door.

Since the dating scandal broke out, Grover hired guards to make sure people won't trample us.

We made our way to my car and we drove there, Tyson giving directions with his phone.

"Okay... And turn left..... Now!"

I stopped in front of the hotel.

"So.. we go?"

"Yeah." I said getting out the car.

I felt my nerves pick up as I got closer to the hotel.

"Oh my god, you're Percy Jackson!" A girl yelled.

I cursed as I remembered that I wasn't wearing any shades or a hoodie.

Tyson facepalmed looking at my disapprovingly.

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