XII) The Earth's

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I woke to a lovely lemon scent.

I stared at her while she slept peacefully. I was so worried. What did she go through? Her eyes were broken, broken in a way I've never seen in anyone else's eyes and I've seen nasty breakups ruin people, but this was different, it was worse.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think of what she could've gone through.

"Morning." Anna whispered.

"Oh, morning." I replied.

"How long you been awake?" She asked.

"Uh, not too long."

She nodded and walked out the room.

I stayed in place not wanting to wake Annabeth up.

"Thank you."

I jumped a little, surprised by the voice.

"You were awake?"

"Yeah, this, it's just nice." She said looking at me, "Thank you."

"Any time."

I woke Piper and she woke Hazel up while I made my way to the boys room.

"Is Annabeth okay?" Jason asked immediately.

"Yeah, she's fine." I said waking Leo up.

Frank and Nico walked out the room with Jason, I soon followed with a groggy Leo and Tyson.

We all gathered in the living room, Annabeth going back to work on the rings.

"Are there any Oracle's here?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, I don't know about oracle but there is a lady down my street, she does all sorts of voodoo related stuff." Piper said.

"Okay, we need to go there."

We all got up and we got into Frank's car since it fit all of us.

We got off in front of a crooked and creepy hut, it had a large banner that said Hecate's hut.

Annabeth walked in with the rings and we all followed.

"Children?" A woman, who I'm guessing is Hecate asked.

"Do any of these rings hold any type of power?" Annabeth asked the lady, showing her the box of rings.

"Don't ask me, ask a jeweler."

"Just check them." She said sternly.

She grudgingly held each ring and inspected them.

"You kids want to buy some potions?" Hecate asked as she inspected the ring.

"What type of potions?" Annabeth asked.

"Are you serious, she's probably scamming you." Leo said looking at Annabeth.

"Well, I've got all kinds and I also have a fortune telling service."

"Ooh, that's cool, wanna try?" Piper asked us.

We looked at her confused, "What, now that I found out the.. you know what is real, this stuff doesn't sound so crazy."

"Okay, but we need to get the rings checked quickly."

"Okay, I can do a grouped read." The lady said.

We all sat down around an orb.

She closed her eyes and touched the orb.

"Ahh, you will go somewhere, somewhere unknown to this earth."

Annabeth had a hopeful look in her eyes.

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